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Problems - Movie Publish

Message 1 of 26
1405 Views, 25 Replies

Problems - Movie Publish


Recently I exported serveral Movies - everything went perfect.

Now, for some reason, it does not work anymore. Showcase seems to be exporting the movie, but no files appear. I tried different settings, differnt shots, different slides with different bahaviour. There is always this message at the bottom like:

Cannot save shot thumbnail - Parameter "keyframe" missing.

Every slide, shot, behaviour works fine when I test it without exporting it. I also deleted the not necessary behaviours or shots to simplify my scene, but that does no help.
I upgraded Showcase 2013 64bit to SP4 but that does not help.

Any suggestions to solve this problem?

Thanks for help!
Message 2 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

This might seem really foolish.. but do you have space available on your machine to save the movies? Are you publishing to the cloud? Locally? or both? If you are publishing to the cloud and you have no more space on your Autodesk 360, that might cause some issues as well.
Can you save or publish one image?
Are you saving the movie with ray trace or hardware rendering?
I have never run into this error myself but have made the mistake to render a movie without any space left on my hard drive to save it.. but I can't remember what was that error message.. it was something weird like that..

If you try a new scene, let's say you load one of the scene that comes with Showcase, create a animated shot and render it, does it work or you run into the same message?
If it work, then at least we know the problem is related to your scene and not to Showcase..

Let me know if you are still stuck.
Message 3 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous


Yes, there are 350GB left - enough 😉 ! Just locally publishing.

Yes, publishing an image works fine.

I just want to export a movie in the hardware rendering mode. I tried to export at with raytrace over the night (Quality Level 12) but I had to cancel it because it took to long. I dont know if there is any connection between that canceled ray-trace export and my problem. I had to quit showcase via the task manager because canceling the export did not work (no reaction).

I loaded an older file from my scene - i like to save incremental - but the problem is still there. Just days before the old files worked fine!

I also tried it on a different Computer (export and import licence, brand new installation aswell), but same problem.

I tried to publish movie from a example scene (watch). Exporting as avi works fine, standard settings. Exporting as jpgs (that is what I need!) works fine too.

What is the connection between shot-thumbnail and publishing?

I cant find any information about the notification "Cannot save Shot thumbnail: Parameter "Keyframe" not found" via google or Autodesk help. Nothing!

Thanks for your help!
Message 4 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

I also loaded a very old file of my work.
No slides, no shots, no nothing. I defined a new shot and put it into a slide. Same notification/problem. I also updated every single shot thumbnail to take care of that thumbnail-notification as far as possible. 😉

Probably interesting: Trying to export just on single shot via right-click and "Save shot as movie" and ended up in this (see attachment). Nothing happens, no file, no result.

More information: All geometry files are loaded, no errors (Import status).
My system is Win 7 64bit, Xeon Quad Core, 12 gig Ram, Quadro 2000 - should be ok.

Message 5 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

i have a similar problem but when publishing web presentations and flash..
showcase render, it creates the html page or the flash file.. but actually it does not contain a thing
Message 6 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

The "funny thing" about this is, that even files on a different pc do not work anymore.
I thought "okay, maybe its because i have been working on different pcs with different logins (admin or restricted user)" but now my old files which never have been edited on a different pc refuse to get exported as a movie. Same f****** notification with that shot-thumbnail-keyframe-issue.

Damn I am so pissed right now....
Message 7 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

I have had the same problem with exporting movies, I thought it was just me that had this issue!

I spoke with an Autodesk engineer and the only work around he said to me was to extend the slide length by around 5 seconds... and somehow by doing this my movies actually exported properly, and now come out fine.
Message 8 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

And I also have that message at the bottom of the screen saying 'Cannot save Shot thumbnail: ''Keyframe'' not found'

But even so my movies still export...

Message 9 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

I am looking into this issues with my team here and will get back to you when we find something.
Could you try to delete the user preference under my document: Autodesk Showcase 2013
Delete the complete folder and try again.

Also, do you think you could zip your scene (make sure you include the companion file or do it from Showcase directly under save as:) and share it with us so we can closely look at it?
Let me know
Message 10 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks a lot, I would like to send you my scene, but i am not allowed share my companies data.
Message 11 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous



is there any way found to solve this problem?

Ive got the same one. I already splittet the slide in seperated parts. The first one is about 13 seconds and worked. The second is about 9 seconds but it produced again the error message and there are no pictures safed.


??? 😞 ???



Message 12 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

The error message about the keyframe is not a real problem. Is there from 2012 and is still live in 2014. You have this message Also with video created ok. I had a similar problem but i noticed that the timeline in the storyboard panel had a duration of more than 1000000 seconds. This make crash the rendering and disappear the result.
Check the duration of the slide or storyboard.
Hope this helps.

Christian Garimberti
Technical Manager and Visualization Enthusiast
Qs Informatica S.r.l. | Qs Infor S.r.l. | My Website
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Message 13 of 26
in reply to: Christian_Garimberti

Thank you,

that helps a lot so far. I tried to import the file to my laptop and render it. But when I saw the error message I canceled it. Then I expect the error is effected by the file and create it new..-> same error message. But if there is no connection between error message and crashing, I keep on trying it with smaller slides.

The Duration of the slides got the right timeline. (About 10 seconds each slide atm with 7 slides).


By the way ... I installed Showcase 2014 and wanted to render it with the "Try-Version". So I could be sure that the problem is my computer and not the Software.

Download->Install->Start it.. then the license-panel appear. I press the "Try" button. But Showcase just closes and nothing happens XD

Do you know whats wrong?


My PC:  Win7 64bit

            Intel Core i7-3770

            8 GB RAM

            NVIDIA Quadro 600  -- newest driver  (06.2013)

Message 14 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

Maybe a video driver issue. I saw many request in the forum about crash on startup. My experience say newer is not always better.... In the nvidia site try to download an older driver. Then download and install the update 1 for showcase 2014. This is important.
Maybe this crash is connected with the render failure... 2014 crash , 2013 fails render....

Garimberti Christian
R&D and 3D Pdm technical manager

Christian Garimberti
Technical Manager and Visualization Enthusiast
Qs Informatica S.r.l. | Qs Infor S.r.l. | My Website
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Message 15 of 26
in reply to: Christian_Garimberti

This morning I tried to start Showcase 2014 again and it started 😄 (Without any changes) But then .. after I restarted Windows it crashes again. -A bit strange but however-

Then I followed your advise.

NVIDIA got the option to search for drivers wich are certificated by several companies. Pretty nice..

I installed one, wich is certificated by Autodesk Showcase 2014 (wich is an older version than I had befor).

-> still doesnt start. Then I installed the update for Showcase .. -> Still wont start..

I even tried to reinstall Showcase what doesnt help neither.

I rly got no idea left 😞


But thank you very much for your effort 🙂

Maybe I get some results with Showcase 2013 over the Weekend.


But I'm a bit dissapointed.  I usally only work with Inventor 13 and never had serious problems at all. And with Showcase it seems like nothing works..

Message 16 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

another test......

Try to empty your local temp folder (write %temp% in file explorer), better if you do it just after a reboot.

Start Showcase 2014 or test a rendering.

In the temp folder there are some file named Showcase 201x

Try to open these files (with windows notepad) and watch if there are errors listed or just upload the files so i can watch it.


In this temp folder you can also test if the progress of the rendering is running or not. There are some folders where Showcase store the frames before to create dhe movie. If the rendering works, but the creation of the movie fails, you must find the sequence in jpg ot tiff format in this folder.


Try and let me know...

Christian Garimberti
Technical Manager and Visualization Enthusiast
Qs Informatica S.r.l. | Qs Infor S.r.l. | My Website
Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | LinkedIn


Message 17 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

Ok, no worries.. it's easier for us to help you solve the problem when we have the file.. but I understand. Hope you find a solution. Marion
Marion Landry
Technical Marketing Manager
3ds Max Design + Showcase

Twitter @MarionLandry
YouTube Channel @LandryMarion
Message 18 of 26
in reply to: Christian_Garimberti

I finally got the images 🙂

I dont know why. But I let Showcase render over the weekend and it worked this time.


I had this "parameter keyframe not found" error-message too. So it seems like there is rly no connection.

This time I had 7 slides and published them seperated as images-sequence. Maybe it works on this way or I just had luck.


Thanks alot for your tip with the temp-folder. On the next time it crashes I will have a look at it.


Message 19 of 26
in reply to: MarionLandry

I am having a few problems publishing movies as well. The movie file seems to become corrupted, often halving the image and inverting colours. I am exporting using realistic view (not raytrace). There seems to be more stability by exporting slides individually in a storyboard, but not guaranteed. Have you had eny experience with this problem?


PS Marion your youtube videos are great. A BIG help in learning the package.

Message 20 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

ciao marco
in what format are you exporting?
with what program are you reading the file?

yes, exporting single slide is better then exporting a full storyboard, it gives you also more option in the scene transition effect. the fade from dark to scene sometimes fails, and it doesn't do the fade out/fade in effect, more like cut to dark and fade in..

almost a showcase PRO user 😛

if you find my post useful, please give kudos or mark as solution 😄

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