Hello, I'd like to suggest creating another attachment tool that essentially extracts the outline of the attached wall, and freezes it, eliminating the need to keep attached surfaces.
Reason: When working on a complex model (continuously changing roof) that requires this workflow:
- rhino import of mass
- then roof or wall by face
- attach the wall to get the top/bottom geometry correct
- PROBLEM: you must keep the geometry attached to
- Workset: Internal for hiding
- THIS CREATES A VERY LARGE FILE SIZE, that is entirely unnecessary
- It also means, that if you're in a linked model, you cannot bind the link while keeping the information intact.
Proposed solution: Enable the user to keep the attachment outline and extract a shape from it, that maintains the top/bottom of wall condition - i.e. freeze the geometry.
Edit: Per @Sahay_R this has been reposted under ideas.
Edit: Per @ToanDN, "To sum it up, you want to have the option to keep the shape of a wall even if the shape defining targets are removed. Sounds like a good idea. I would vote for it."