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Cut Pattern in Materials

Cut Pattern in Materials

1. The Cut Pattern in Materials could be divided in two sections.


Medium Cut Pattern

Fine Cut Pattern


In That way It would give better control of the draftingpatterns. in some cases the choice of scale gives either a to dense or loose pattern for different scales.


In som cases I want a 1:100 in Medium Lavel of Detail to be 1mm Linespacing, and the same material in 1:10 with 2mm Linespacing.


2. Allow Model Pattern in Cut Pattern at a Costum Scale.



Peter Tranberg


Having the ability to set a Model Pattern (#2) would make it easier to set a glulam hatch so that it would look like our AutoCAD blocks:


 Ridea - 5.125x15 GLULAM example.png

EDIT: Although, we would want the pattern to "stretch" (vertically) if the glulam was sloping (cut at an angle). creating symbolic horizontal lines in the family isn't so bad, but doing the diagonals would be killer (and would only show up in orthogonal views). We have a similar issue w/ the "X" in our dimensional lumber family.

Not applicable

The ability to use a Model Pattern within the Cut Pattern would allow users to define batting for insulation of a defined thickness, would save hours overdrawing! Even allowing for the outdated use of a .pat file

Tags (3)

Same as part 2 of Cut Pattern in Materials (but that should have been split anyway). Would also be helpful to have Different Patterns for Horizontal vs. Vertical Cuts (such as for my Glulam example).


#2 is also now separated out here: Use Model Pattern Type within Cut Pattern


I wish Revit had the ability to use model patterns which are true scale as a cut fill pattern. This would give us the ability to display walls such as Concrete Masonry Walls its true dimension in our plans, despite the scale of the drawing. We would also be able to align the modules to the corners of the walls. 


the ability to use model hatch patterns within a section or plan view. currently you can only use drafting patterns


A bit confused by this request - you already can. For example wood or brick model patterns will show up properly as flooring or walls in a section/plan/elevation.

I think you may be speaking to the VG overrides being limited to Drafting patterns only?

I personally don't think you would ever need this, as the model patterns are used for surface materials that should show up globally regardless --- you wouldn't want them limited to a single view. And in the rare occasion you do need this, you could always do a detail component or filled region to suffice your needs?


In the meantime you can clone a DRAFTING version of any MODEL fill within your project, scaled and renamed with the HatchKit Add-In for Revit.



Hugh Adamson




Not applicable

Are you talking about the cut pattern? Like as used in a material for a wall for example...  Because it's an issue. I can't use a model pattern and therefore I can't have a pattern that's scalable when you change the thikness of the wall... I need to show a precise pattern for insulation and I need the size of the pattern to adapt and stay the same and fit. I don't know if it's understandable?

That pattern as to stay the same for a 20cm wall or 50cm...That pattern as to stay the same for a 20cm wall or 50cm...

That's the pattern that has to stay the same on a 20cm and a 50cm wall for example. Do you have any idea on how to do that?

Thank you!


@Anonymous Makes sense that you are running into that issue for your specific problem... however its not a terribly big issue that Autodesk will care about. In document sets you rarely will show insulation and if you do its in enlarged plans or details where you can use the Revit insulation tool fairly easily. Otherwise lots of offices have custom insulation detail component families that also work well.


In most overall plans or anything else, you'll call out a wall type and the wall type sheet will have the insulation shown/not shown. Or you can handle it in specs.

Only place where I had to globally show insulation everywhere for drawings was in university and that was more for thoroughness and presentation graphics rather than document sets.


With your 20cm and 50cm example... you can make a drafting pattern that will show up correctly for both of those, but you'd need a new drafting pattern for every different scale of drawing/wall size for every instance where it shows. And then you'd have to filter each individual view to override. Its not realistic to do that unfortunately.

Not applicable

@Pattycake_Kyle  Thank you for your reply! To be honest, I just tried to find an impossible solution to an impossible question.. ^^ I used to use detail component families and only show detailed view for insulation in 2D but, in my new office, they wanted another way to show insulation directly in the plan views and, therefore, in the wall cut...


About the thikness aspect, yes, the only one solution is to create a pattern for each size... But, when you have like 10 different thicknesses in one project it starts to get a nightmare... 😉 So, yes, unrealistic!

That's the reason why I wanted another way like an adaptive pattern that scales with the size of the wall... #wishlist!


When I posted this request it was looking for a quick way to work out brick coursing and determine where windows & doors would be placed. 

@Pattycake_Kyle, thank you for suggestion of detail component. 

@Anonymouslooks like you were looking for a similar solution. Though it probably won't amount to much please vote for the wish and hopefully oneday…!!! like your additional suggestion of possibly having a adaptive pattern which would automatically update if there is a dimensions change


Please fix this. The cut pattern should be able to scale with the view scale. Allowing us to use 'model' patterns within the 'cut pattern' achieves the desired result.



This is a must for making Revit a good tool for drawings under 1:100 scale. Please merge this idea with this other one:


Are you talking about the "Coarse Scale Fill Pattern" for Walls in plan views? Or is this just a duplicate of Use Model Pattern Type within Cut Pattern (in the Material properties).


for interest came across this you tube video from the "other program" 


I would like to desperately request model patterns be made available as cut pattern for elements. Allowing for different view scales to be used for the same wall for instance, with a proper hatch and layer make-up as a standard. This would simplify all detail drawings like plans and sections from taking hours and hours on big projects to minutes. 


Attached below is an example of the same wall set up with a drafting pattern to match view scale 1:100. With a detail section with the view scale set to 1:25, that drafting pattern is not scale adjusted and you have to manually draw 2D elements for every wall and every floor for every detail in every view.


By allowing model patterns to be applicable to cut patterns you would only have to set up one pattern for the desired thickness of the element and then be good to go in minutes for all views and details with close to no adjusments. Please and thank you.






It would be great to show brick and CMU in sections of different scales. This would require a foreground and background pattern assigned to a material. For instance - in a wall type - it would be great to have a foreground and background pattern for the structural material, CMU block in this example, that shows horizontal lines for the typical block height and mortar joint, and then have a foreground pattern showing the standard diagonal crosshatch used for CMU. That way the block would show in all sections. The same could be done for a brick material. 


Just tried to create an insulation batting line hatch pattern for my walls and ran into this.


If you're coming to this topic for batt insulation functionality, please updoot this topic also:


Dear Autodesk, what gives?

This seems so obvious, and it is has been screaming out for change for years. 

  • Why can't material / graphics / cut patterns utilise fill (model) patterns?
    (These can then be aligned, snapped to useful with surface pattern fills)
  • Why can't we have a plan cut pattern AND a section cut pattern ? (E.g. cut pattern 1 + 2)
    (bricks, timber etc... appear different in plan and section, so it goes...)

Please add this relative easy fix in the next update, I don't want to wait another year! 


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