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Shortcut View closing

Shortcut View closing

When there are several views open, I'd like to close them using a shortcut. One at a time, not all together of course and not using the mouse. I suppose it won't be too difficult to insert this feature in next release.




You can use Ctrl+F4 for this. And with simple gaming mouse it can be even easier.

Kind regards,
Dmitriy Semko.

Many thanks for your help.
but another question arise: How find it? I've searched in the shortcut
keys but I've seen it... may be I missed or it's an hidden command.
there are many others of this?

Arch. Luca Guerra
Via Zaccherini Alvisi 3
40138 Bologna
Tel. +39 051 309 381
Revit Architecture 2013 - 2015 certified professional
Revit Autodesk certified Instructor
ARB member n° 081702C

Well, it's not a Revit command, it's one of the common Windows keyboard shortcuts. You can use them in lots of programs, in browser for example, in Autocad etc.

Community Manager
Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Unfortunately, this idea did not get the support of the community over the last 6 months and as such we will not be pursuing it at this time. Please feel free to rework (titles and clear descriptions are really important) and resubmit this one down the road.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived

yes i fully support that!!!!!


Agree with OP. This is important. That it hasn't gotten support here may merely be that it is hard to find the right post to support. Search support for this can be done by so many key words and search terms "close tab" ,"exit window", "exit tab", "exit view". "leave window". This has to dilute votes for a feature and kill a person's enthusiasm for finding the solution. 


Why not just have the UX team put this into user research and ask users to to take the action and see what key strokes they use outside of clicking on the 'x' in the tab?

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