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Parts – Tagging Original Object Properties

Parts – Tagging Original Object Properties

When tagging a Part, the original object properties should be available for a tag label. Example: A structural column has a “Column Location Mark”. This property is not visible in the properties of the Part made from that object. Parts do report some original properties, like Material as read-only. All original object properties need to be available.


  • Show all Original object properties as read-only
  • Allow all these properties as well as the Part properties to be used in tags. The user may want the Column Location Mark from the original object, but the volume from the Part


Parts allow hosting of structural reinforcement (see Revit Help ). If Parts are used as appears to be intended for construction detailing, all properties from the original object should be available.

Not applicable

Good request - Another field that would be useful in regards to Parts is an Associated Base Level that would pull in the closest Level value into the part rather than the base level of the original object.




Great suggestion, we definitely need help here too. When you have a column or a wall that spans many levels, and Levels are used to divide / intersecting reference, it would be great if the division tool would associate both Top & Bottom where division is applied.

another suggestion is to keep the GUID for the parts.. When the original object has changed or when you modify the parts even in the slightest way, all the GUIDs seem to change.


So far it's been our experience that after Parts have been made and original objects are heavily modified or even type changed, the Part's initial GUID is maintained. In a linked-model scenario, even if the original object has been deleted & recreated, the orphaned Part still has the initial GUID.


Feel free to contact me if you want to compare testing notes. We'd like to know / avoid what you're seeing if possible.


Keep element type properties as an instance properties when element is converted into part.

Currently when elements are converted into parts we loose ability to populate properties such as Keynote, Assembly code, Type mark, Fire rating, Cost, etc...

The only way to do it is to manually create project parameters but unfortunately these are not the same/ It's especially important for future work with these elements exported as nwc, or ifc files and their properties int other software (navisworks, Solibri model checker...).

Not applicable

I noticed that conduit doesn't register to a level, only the fittings do. i believe this is because of how conduit and fittings associate to a level. Conduits are referenced to a level, whereas the fittings are hosted to a level. It would be nice if you could filter by reference level for conduit. I'm sure this is the same case with pipe.


I agree, 


There isn't even really any workarounds I can think of so we are left with a failed workflow for using tools like the Autodesk Classification Manager. 


Parts need to be improved. Bump


Currently, parts do not have any type properties which means they cannot be classified in Revit. When using the built-in assembly codes dialogue for Revit one cannot assign an assembly code to parts nor can they use the BIM Interoperability tools > Classification Manager as it also uses only type parameters to assign the codes. 


Ideally, open up the ability for parts to have some type parameters. 


It does raise the question though - Why are classifications even type based anyway, maybe they should be instance based and there could be other ways to manage selecting,  hiding,  and assigning the data/elements.  Instanced based classification would allow ultimate flexibility.


Additionally, there could be a great use case for adding a tab in visibility graphics for classifications, which one could turn off and on as we do categories. 




Great suggestion. Additionally, I would like to say that the "Length" measurement for parts needs to be available/visible for ALL parts whose host objects have a length. 

I use Revit Parts to divide continuous footings/Concrete curbs into parts for tracking work in place, which isn't do-able without these divisions. When I divide these objects up, the only quantifiable measure that remains is CY or Height...

I am literally having to check the measurement of each part myself and enter in the length value as a Comment so that i will be able to use it in Assemble for tracking purposes, but it is a tedious and time-consuming process. 

Please, PLEASE, consider making this QOL improvement for Parts. Surely the amount of coding to fix this issue is minimal.

Not applicable

Yes please we need this!


As a general contractor, parts are very usefull to adapt design geometry to our own needs (especially concrete objects). The fact, that parts dont keep the properties from their original object is a huge drawback!


Dear Autodesk: ACT!




Hi @SteveDFThorne,

Maybe give our Better Classifier tool a try, it allows you to assign multiple predefined classifications to elements, and you can choose whether you want them to be type or instance based. Your feedback is highly appreciated!


(disclaimer: I am the developer of this little tool and I am more than happy to improve it based on my users needs) 


Hi Zwielehner, 


I will will give it a try when I get a chance

Hi, @chaitanya.belsare 


When a 3D object is exported to NWC all the Type parameters are exported and are visible in NavisWorks.

When the 3D object is divided into Parts, the Type parameters are not available anymore in NavisWorks.


We need the Type parameters on Parts in NavisWorks, so we can deliver this to the client!


Gr. Renzo

Tags (1)

Any update on implementing this?


After all these years, Revit still can't do drawings with LOD 300...

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