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In many areas of Revit multiple selections does not work, for example deleting multiple filters. Also in schedules selecting muitiple cells and enter a value for all the selected cells will be welcome.
One point to raise from a dev's point of view (no I am not on the team but do have experience in software development) a "many area's" request is likely to get overlooked in favour of specific requests, it is very possible your schedules request will get fulfilled but not so likely that much else will.
Might be better to be specific and then raise new requests for different areas prioritising those that will save you the most time.
Great Idea to save time doing simple repetative tasks...
I haven't really thought about it in depth; but I'm just wondering if that will pose a higher risk of making errors which one may have been better off not worrying about
@RDAOU I guess you could look at that both ways as a risk, if you get bored repeating the same task 20 times you can miss one step (I know I have done it!) but as you say there is a risk of making a more significant muck up by changing a whole lot of things at once in error.
As I've said, it is a great idea to repeat simple task...
Probably/maybe a check box "Apply to Selected items" ...but definitely not an innate/default functionality!!! like give the user a "Use at your own RISK" kinda option 🙂 considering that the tendency to abuse a function or misuse it is more likely to happen than making 1 mistake out of 20 repetitive actions (thinking at a management level NOT a user level)
@RDAOU An "apply to selected items check box" is an excellent suggestion or as an alternative a pop reminding you "this will apply to xx items" with a cancel button.
Thanks for your submission and votes on this idea! We are evaluating where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision.
@sasha.crotty Could the factory comment on what exactly is accepted. Does this affect a general approach where the factory will try and implement multi-selection in all relevant lists in Revit or does is only apply to the two examples provided by the poster (deleting multiple filters. + selecting muitiple cells and enter a value for all the selected cells will be welcome.)?
This should also applies to project parameters. Filters in VG, so that we can apply override on multiple filters. Sheets so we can add revisions on multiple sheets.Columns in scheduleds so we can edit more than one column at the time.
How about Revit just embed Excel into the program and use that for schedules. Excel is 10x better an easier to use and you can get it to look how you want. Why does a program that is supposed to be great, not even have the same control that something had back in 1997? 20 years ago we had better control over schedules than we do now. Hell a paper, ruler and pencil is better.
Also when you select multiple objects if properties vary it would display 'Varies' in the properties value rather than a blank white box that appears to be an empty value.
@pieter4, great question and I apologize in delay in reply - I missed your comment the first time around.
This is one of the rare cases where we are accepting a general approach because we feel we can make small, but significant improvements in multiple relevant areas. Suggestions for which areas are most valuable are very welcome.