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The ideas are not the issue. This Idea forum is filled with them. So, whether the idea is added with a button in Revit or on the forum doesn't matter. Autodesk just has to decide to implement them. So your button would be useless until Autodesk can actually implement Ideas at a reasonable pace.
Autodesk is seeking for ideas that have a highly required by customers, so the will not implement any idea after the will be sure it's required from most of the customers,
so knowing what is a highly recommended idea is very important, and not all of Autodesk users access this forum.
Wouldn't that be nice - but the "Revit Community" entry in the Help pull-down doesn't even go straight to the Revit forum - it goes to the ALL forums page (at least in Revit 2018)!
@Anonymous If you submit a "bug" to support (unless it's a bug that actually crashes Revit or results in reproducible data loss/corruption), you just get told to post an Idea anyway. Very rarely am I lucky enough to have the support tech just put it on development's internal list.
@A_MAQ The problem is that they still don't implement the ideas even after they know that many users need something (or they partially implement it - such as tabs, OR filters, and steel connections - market the heck out of it as "exciting new features", then "wait for feedback from a larger user base" instead of finishing the implementation)! On top of that, many ideas get buried or lost - no one knows they're there, so no one votes for them. Even people who might have voted for them don't find them in a search (or don't even search) and create a new idea instead. Years later, ideas are still "UNDER REVIEW". It would be nice if Revit displayed links to related ideas when you used various commands - I saw a context-sensitive help panel from a training vendor that would show related training video links when you used the Wall command, for example. Or after repeatedly selecting individual sheets and clicking Revisions on Sheet, Revit posted a dialog saying "I notice you've been spending a lot of time doing something repetitive and tedious. There's an idea in the forum to allow you to select more than one Sheet at a time - please vote for it..." - of course, it would take them less effort to just implement the ideas, but then they wouldn't have as much of a "hook" to keep us on subscription if they just made Revit as great as it could be...
@A_MAQThis idea is kinda disturbing to me. Please don't encourage ignorance and lack of personal interest in Revit. A Search field would be really good, but posting ideas from inside Revit without reading the forums and Revit Ideas first will just flood the forum with the same ideas simply putted in other words. It would resemble a DDOS attack for no final advantage to anyone.