Nearly every spreadsheet program, even the free ones, allow the user to change the cell height and font size so that it is easier for the user to read the text they are trying to edit. The Revit schedule editor window should have allowed user adjustment of the cell height and font size many versions ago. Many users don't want all their text in every menu and window to be large but when it comes to editing a schedule it would make it much much easer and less prone to error to be able to bump the text size up and bump up the cell height so that there is more space between lines of text. The way it is now is a super eye strain. It seems like it would be really easy to add an editing font size and editing cell height parameter to the System Family: Schedule. As it is now the inablity to scale the schedule editor makes working on a 4k screen difficult but possible and working on a 5k screen impossible. This one little fix would really improve Revit on a high resolution screen. Even this little rich text editor allows an increase in font size. It's time for the Revit schedule editor to catch up with the times.