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Easily change hosted family to non hosted family

Easily change hosted family to non hosted family



I would like the ability to be able to turn off and on element hosting in the family editor.


Say change a door family that hosts into a wall into one that can be placed anywhere.


This should be a check box in the family editor.


Please allow changing the hosting parameter of a Family - for example we have Floor based families and it is not easy to change the hosting to Face based or something else...


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Great Ideia


Great idea.

That might even help with one of the other difficulties with hosted families:

You have to create them normal (perpendicular) to the hosting element.

Which means that Wall-hosted families must be modeled "lying on their backs" and Ceiling-hosted have to be modeled upside down.

If you could switch the hosting, you could create everything as it appear in real life, and THEN switch it to the hosted orientation.

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Would be beneficial to use the default reference plane as your host especially in lighting fixtures and then the ability when you bring into the project to select, hosted, workplane or other a multi-plane based family would be amazing and save so much time then having multiple families for the one item.

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 I just want to have a tick box or drop down from hosted to non-hosted. Or get rid of hosted as a type and have a "host to" button for all/most families.

This may be one of the harder ones to implement and it's been discussed everywhere but I'm posting it anyway.

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This would be a game-changer in family creation.  Being able to switch hosting types, or even change a hosted family to non-hosted one would be extremely helpful.  Especially when downloading manufacturer-created families that might be set up incorrectly.

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I know this is an old thread, but did this ever get put in place? I tired of researching how to do this.

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I believe this is not solvable in the way we are asking. You have to recreate the family in a new appropriate template.


This lack of flexibility is unfortunate and it puts emphasis and the need for careful planning and modelling standards ahead when making families.

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This would be ESPECIALLY helpful when working in, say, an Interiors model, into which is linked the Architectural model. The Arch model has the walls, but wall cabinets and other wall-hosted families cannot be placed on them in the Interiors model - it's as if they were not there. Huge pain.

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By the way @bill_gilliss, never make a family wall/floor/ceiling based, just use Face based to prevent this issue.

Ideally you BIM manager figured this out 5 years ago and made the whole library face based.


These are Revit's *own* wall cabinets!  Would that *Autodesk* had
"figured this out" years ago and reissued the components libraries
accordingly. Users can't just edit a family and change its host type.


Same for plumbing fixtures, etc., etc.

The result:
Wall-mounted cabinets from Autodesk.PNG

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THE OOTB (out of the box) families are mostly garbage. If your firm does not make their own version based on their BIM learnings, you're basically doomed.


With that being said, it would be great to have the ability to change hosting as it would prevent a lot of rework.


But yeah, most people figured this out years ago and remade all their families years ago.


I can't believe this feature still doesn't exist. Yes, I know the linking a project and copy trick to make families "face hosted". But that is a cumbersome workaround. 


If nothing else, it proves the feature would be easy to implement since Revit already can make a family face-hosted. it just doesn't have a checkmark or other user-control to do that. 

Not applicable

It would be nice in future Revit version to implement option for user to convert hoisting family to un-hoisting family when load family into project.  Thank you very much


Hi, @Anonymous ,


Here are several related Ideas. We can combine these with your Idea.

Easily change hosted family to non hosted family - Autodesk Community

change hosting of a family - Autodesk Community

Change Family Host Type Families - Autodesk Community


Thank you for your Idea submission!



Provide an option to convert a hosted family to a non-hosted family without breaking parameters and constraints.  Host based reference planes would be converted to normal reference planes.  This would help immensely with modifying and reusing complex models for the specific issues of a project.

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This would be a great feature.  It is very clunky when you have to turn a hosted family into a non-hosted family.  Currently, my preference is to avoid hosted families altogether due to this because of the off chance that I need to show an electrical outlet mounted on a piece of casework for example, rather than wall-hosted.

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