Hi! Sorry for the long post.
I love using masses and concept designing in Revit. I'm a full believer. I wish there was just a little more TLC when it comes to MASSES. I use conceptual massing, divided surfaces, and dynamo to create parametric facades. However, dynamo does not work in the "in-place mass" environment but it does work in the "conceptual mass family environment. I typically work in the "conceptual mass environment" but there is an issue when you want to bring a Rhino .3dm file into the workflow.
Currently right now my workflow is linking rhino files into the "project environment" as an in-place mass and then that lets me divide the surface. However, I would like to be able to do that in the "conceptual mass environment" but it's not possible. The reason why I want to work in the "conceptual mass environment" is because dynamo does not work with divided surfaces as an "in-place mass". So anytime I make a parametric facade using divided surfaces and dynamo, (depending on the complexity) I painstakingly have to remake the geometry in the "conceptual mass environment"
So either, have dynamo be available inside "in-place masses" or have Rhino .3dm files be imported as masses that can have divided surfaces in "conceptual masses"
Thank you!