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Different view templates / settings for Dependent Views

Different view templates / settings for Dependent Views

Applying different view templates and / or view settings to a Dependent View would make that view type a lot more useful. For example, one could have a plan view at scale 1:200 and break that plan view into a couple of Dependent Views at scale 1:50. Then use a View Template to differentiate what's visible in which view, for example.


The way it's done now (but maybe I'm doing it wrong) is using a Duplicate View and then copy / remove the needed annotation objects like tags, texts etc. we want to see in 1:50 but not in 1:200. And if something changes to annotation objects, one has to go through all those duplicated views as well.


While there have been times that I wished for more separation of properties between Dependent Views (which I don't remember at the moment), scale is definitely NOT one of them. If Revit allowed different templates, it would have to ensure that the Scale setting was only taken from the parent (otherwise all annotation positioning would be useless).


Here's one idea requiring different properties for dependents:


If Revit allowed different templates, it would have to ensure that the Scale setting was only taken from the parent (otherwise all annotation positioning would be useless).


Not necessarily - if it's done the same way as AutoCAD handles annotation scales. Then you can move annotation around for each scale factor.


@Simon_Weel That would be an interesting implementation, and I could see some usefulness of that with actually having the SAME scales - such as text that's in the "overlap" area between two partial plans: we often have two text elements with the same text (each visible only in one partial plan) just because we need to tweak the positioning in each view a little bit (due to other elements).


The other issue is that changing the scale of the parent would mean that we wouldn't be able to work in the parent view - we'd have to work in the dependent views (and/or temporarily uncrop a view). That said, I'm thinking that a better setup (if dependent views could have different scale and annotation positioning could be maintained separately for each scale) would be to create another dependent view that had the different scale. Example: 1/4"=1' parent w/ (3) dependent views: two 1/4" partial plans and one 1/8" overall plan. That way you'd have the best of both worlds: some annotation could be repeated in both scales, but positioned independently, and you could still work in the parent view when you need to see the partial plans in their overall context. 🙂


That would probably be a huge investment in development resources, though, and there are so many other major things I'd like them to take care of first...


If allow user sign in different View Template(exclude scale) when that View is Duplicate as Dependent.


1.Why we need duplicate as Dependent?

-because of we need all annotation(room tag, keynote, etc(2d element)) are all the same.


2.Why I suggest this Idea?

-because some of my view I have to use the same scale, same information into the different package(submission, document)

-now i have to change View Template when I print out drawing for the different package.

-if not using duplicate as Dependent, I have to adjust same information for all the view(double or triple work)





View Template workaround.JPG





There's a workaround for the time being if you wanna try..


Left Side : Plan with annotation ( View template type 1 )

Right side : Dependent view of the Plan to capture Annotation / Graphics ( View template type 1 )

                 Overlapped with another Plan with shaded view.. ( View template type 2 )






Not the good Idea.

the overlapping view still not as a Duplicate as Dependent(View template type 1)

if you add a new annotation to View template type 1, you still doing the same step on View template type 2.

I try to avoid double work...


Template 1 will have the annotation..


Right side you can have

TWO views overlapped

1 - With template 1 : capturing all the dimensions and text..

2 - With template 2 : this is only for the Shaded view or consistent colours etc..


If you add any annotation on Template 1, ( left side ) , then it will

automatically update Right side ...


I wanted to upload a file for reference but this revit-ideas not allowing attaching any files..


try this


I would definitely prefer if Revit allows two templates the way you suggested..till then

this would be the workaround..


I understand your solution, for me that not a right way to do.


View Template-1.JPG


Hi I agree to you..

I was still wondering if you are changing view template for two different packages..

then you might try Creating sheets in Another Revit file, Recreate Views, 

use " Linked View " for Annotation

    " Host View " for shaded of graphics..


This way you can have control over graphics as well as different packages wont get disturb..

updating main file will update another package automatically...


Best Luck..


yup, there is another way to solve.

but why make life complicate?

All my printing sheet in 1 file(main file), if follow your idea, I have to convert all my model as link or link to another file to do the printing(only for printing).

-create another file mainly for printing will create a lot issue or problem.


Anyway thanks for your reply.


 My Vote for your idea.. hopefully Next Revit version would allow it..




ganesh, Thank for your vote.


Sorry, if anything offensive。

Not applicable

A useful feature for Revit Would be a sort of "Dependent" View Template, or a sub-template, in which a template inherits most of its view settings from a parent view template, somewhat similar to how dependent views work for plans, RCPs, etc. For instance, it is common in architecture to have many floor plans. Graphics settings would be the same for most floors, but a few floor plans (i.e. the ground floor or roof plan) will need to be tweaked slightly, with a few categories shown or hidden or modified in some way from a typical floor view. By making a sub-template dependent upon a parent template, one could control the graphics for common elements across all floor plans (e.g. wall/column poche, detail level, line styles, etc.), keeping those graphic settings synchronized across all floor view templates, and allowing floors that need slight tweaks to inherit global changes automatically while maintaining their unique adjustments. This would null the need for users to duplicate changes made in one view template across multiple view templates for similar views, which would save time for the user and decrease the chance for graphical errors greatly.

Tags (3)
Not applicable

This would be exceptionally helpful.  A good example is the project I am working in currently (hence the search for this topic).  In this project we have numerous coordinations between an arch and us (structural) regarding slab edge and openings.  Therefore, regular prints of our matching slab edge/openings are needed with a different appearance that our standard plan set view.  The ability to change the view template on a dependent view would allow the annotations (dimensions) to update in real time as I make the changes to the primary plan view.  Currently, I have to make all the changes to the modeled elements, then dimension them in both views.  There are other ways of doing what I am working on, but no matter if they are marginally more efficient, it would seem like a dependent view with an augmented view template would be the best solution here.


This would be a really helpful and much needed feature, hope this get's included into the road map at some point soon. 

I am currently working on an electrical project in a large hospital building and I need to be able to produce drawings of the different types of installations (high current, security, low current, etc.).

To be able to coordinate my installations I need to be able to work on a main plan and then create dependent views where I filter the equipment/annotations/wires to display only what I need for each installation.

My concern is that you can't apply a different view template on dependent views otherwise it will change the main plan template and the associated dependent views. And on top of that the annotations, the threads are not modified on all the views of the same floor but only on the current view (except if dependent).

Currently when I have to output plans, I have to duplicate 6x my main plan, rename it and apply the view template to it in order to filter. Then I have to delete my old plan on the presentation and add the new one... Which is very tedious and time consuming.

Would it be possible to add an option to the dependent views where you can choose the elements you want to copy from the main view and then choose a different view template.

Etant actuellement sur un projet électrique dans un grand bâtiment hospitalier,  je dois pouvoir sortir des plans des différents types d'installations (courant fort, sécurité, courant faible, etc...).

Pour pouvoir coordonner mes installations j'ai besoin de pouvoir travailler sur un plan principal et ensuite de créer des vues dépendantes  ou je filtre les équipements/annotations/fils pour n'afficher que ce que j'ai besoin pour chaque installation.

Mon soucis est que l'on ne peut pas appliquer un gabarit de vue différent sur des vues dépendantes sans quoi cela modifie le gabarit du plan principal et les vues dépendantes associée. Et en plus de ça les annotations, les fils ne se modifient pas sur toute les vues du même étage mais uniquement sur la vue en cours (sauf si dépendante).

Actuellement lorsque je dois sortir des plans, je me retrouve contraint de dupliquer 6x mon plan principal, le renommer et lui appliquer le gabarit de vue pour pouvoir filtrer. Je dois ensuite  supprimer mon ancien plan sur la présentation et ajouter le nouveau... Ce qui est très pénible et long.

Serait-il possible d'ajouter une option aux vues dépendantes ou l'on peut choisir les éléments que l'on veut copier de la vue principale et ainsi pouvoir choisir un gabarit de vue différent.

Moderator note: English translation added

We have a system where we have 'Model' views (floor plans and RCP's) which show all of the elements we are modelling (within their respective view ranges etc.). This is where we do our coordination. These views remain present throughout the design process but do not go onto sheets.


We then have our annotation views which are the individual disciplines/elements i.e Lighting, Fire Alarm, Containment, Security, Power & Ancilliaries. In these views we have the appropriate view template applied and we annotate the necessary elements, put them on sheets and these are the views which get sent out. These are the views that have the relevant dependent views created and at times, annotation must be done within those dependent views to ensure the design is appropriately described. 


So to recap:

  1. We have model views for modelling. These show all elements of our design so we can properly coordinate.
  2. We have separate parent/dependent views for annotation. These views go on sheets and form the design package.

I fail to see (from my interpretation of your description) that you need anything more than this?


I don't know if you believe you shouldn't need more than one parent view per floor for your entire design, but you should. You should have a dependent or independent view to go on each sheet. It costs next to nothing to have another view and have that view have the correct view template and necessary annotations applied.


Hope this helps.




It would be nice to have the option to select different view templates on floorplans that are copies with copy as depend.

(revit 2019 and later.) 

This woyld be a benefit to make copies include all annotations / wires and tags but make filtered versions to make separate sheets for them. 

Like one for components, one for wiring and concrete holes, etc. 


This also include the option to change scale in dependent floorplan copies. 

Tags (4)

@CFNBen : "and at times, annotation must be done within those dependent views"

That won't work - add annotation to a dependent view and you'll end up with that annotation in the parent view as well.

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