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Different Phasing, Workset & Design Option settings for Toposolid Subdivisions

Different Phasing, Workset & Design Option settings for Toposolid Subdivisions

At present Toposolid Subdivisions must follow the Phasing, Workset & Design Option settings directly from the host subdivisions. When working with existing ground surfaces this causes significant issues - as we are having to create multiple instances of the exact same toposolid just so we can have Subdivisions which represent different possible design outcomes and stages. 


For instance in the example below the subdivisions marked X need to be given a "New Construction" Phase Demolished (just as the adjacent walls do) - however they can't be without also altering the Phase Demolished of other adjacent  subdivisions marked O.




If we could control these independent of their host toposolids these issues would be avoided.


Toposolid subdivisions should be allowed to have phasing independent of their host toposolid. We shouldn't have to create an entirely new toposolid to reflect changes in various improvements to it such as adding or removing a sidewalk.


The current process in Revit for Toposolid Phasing is to use the Graded Region tool. This tool basically demolishes the existing Toposolid and all attributed Sub-Divisions and Excavations. Then, it creates a new Toposolid in the new phase. This workflow is the same as the old Topography. This workflow has allot of downsides. First of all, this is not what happens in reality. We don't demolish an entire site to then build a new one. Parts of a site get demolished or excavated. Others stay the same. With the current workflow it is not clear what area gets changed, what Sub-Division gets demolished etc. It's basically impossible to get correct plans without having to add many View Filters or God forbid: Filled Regions.


My proposed workflow is to remove the Graded Region tool and have Phasing Parameters for all Toposolid sub-elements. This includes: Points, Split Lines and Sub-Divisions. Excavations should recognize the correct Phase (like Windows and Doors do with Walls). In this manner we would have one existing Toposolid that gets changed in the new phase. Some parts can remain the same, others get edited. Some Sub-Divisions remain the same, others get demolished. I know this means a big overhaul and would add a certain complexity, but this is how it works in real-life and thus, how it should work in Revit.

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All projects we work on need to have some phasing from existing to new construction elements. Currently with toposolids, we like the graded region tool's function of calculating cut / fill. However, when creating phasing plans for toposolid sub-divides we are struggling to allow portions of those sub-divides to show properly. When you make a graded region based on the existing toposolid, the existing toposolid and all sub-divides become demolished in the new construction phase as it is "demolished" to create the graded region. I need to make some site plans showing we are demolishing portions of the existing asphalt and sidewalks. However, when I make a plan that has the phase filters set to show these demolished elements correctly, the entire existing toposolid and all sub-divides show as demolished due to the graded region.


Currently, our work around is using a material pattern on the sib-divided to be demolished to show elements that are being demolished, and setting the phase filter of the demolition site plans to show complete of the existing phase. Then we have to manually edit, copy and paste, and modify the toposolid sub-divides to create separate sub-divides with the demolition material. The downside of this method means any existing only view shows the elements with the demolition material on them. I then need to go into the new construction site plans and recreate the same sub-divides that get the demolition material and give them a replacement material if it is being replaced with asphalt or concrete etc.


It would be beneficial if we could phase portions of sub-divides separate to the graded region.

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