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Create Pipe without fittings options

Create Pipe without fittings options

Using flexible pipes to model pipe networks that are made of them demands a lot of time, and we canĀ“t control the bend radius.

My suggestion it to create a solution, similar to conduit without fittings, which is very easy to route and control the minimun bend radius.




We can convert duct to flex duct :



I want to convert pipe to flex pipe. But it impossible to do the same with flex pipe...

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I would really like a second alternative to the current way you draw flex pipes. Using the regular Pipe drawing tool for Flex Pipes would make it a lot easier for me. It is fine if you keep the current drawing tool as default, but there should be an option to change it. The reason why is I find it next to impossible to place  the flex pipes where I want them. In reality it would be immensely much easier to place flex pipes.

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I totally agree,


I've had to draw manually around 900 flex pipes to connect 150 geothermal probes to the corresponding HDPE manifolds... it has been such a nightmare that I finally had to say to the client that it was "impossible to do with Revit MEP (in the given budget)".

Besides the fact that I haven't found any manufacturer family for those geothermal HDPE components & fittings, routing so many flex pipes by changing their routing elevations and trying to correct their bending radius to avoid the clashes with the borehole or the pile/cap fundations was nearly impossible.


The fact that it's not possible to slice or connect (with tap or tee) in the middle of a flex pipe or to control the resulting bending radius make it even worse ! As far as I know, there's no way to benefit from the auto-routing functionalities or from the pipe placeholder tools to generate flex pipes... so sad !

I expect it to be as difficult when I will have to route all the sanitary and heating PEx pipes and try to get proper upright bends into the screed at their ends.


As asked in this thread and in an other one about PEX pipes,
I think the flex pipe tool should be completely reworked to let us work this way :

In an "automatic routing" mode :

  1. first : we define the min & max allowed bending radius (type parameter)
  2. then : select start and end connectors (pipe, fixture, equipment...) or start/end height offsets and directions (vertical/horizontal) if no connectors are selected.
  3. then : choose a routing elevation (offset from level and/or face/refplane for sloped route e.g. along a sloped road, raft or terrain).
  4. (optional) : choose pipe crossing options :
    1. jump below/above (offset elevation, bending radius)
    2. connect with pipe (= place cross, double wye,...) or pass-through for fixture/accessories (= connect on both ends)
    3. avoid clashes with other elements (everything not of the same pipe system, concrete, trees...) by giving a minimal clearance distance.
  5. force some "pass-through" points and/or a desired length if required (for equal presure drop) .
  6. click "Run" to generate a "best fit" path.
  7. click next/previous to choose the one we desire and finally click "Accept".

Or in a "sketch" mode :

  1. first : we do exactly as above but for point 5 & 6 or edit the result of point 7.
  2. then : we draw in 3D a multi-planar multisegment model line.
  3. and finally click "Accept"

That would be the perfect flex-pipe tool !


I'd like to !


Could be a first step to achieve the idea below on "how a better flex pipe tool should work" :

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agreed . . .

Opesch idea is already in place; in the Inventor Routed Systems.  One would think that being both 3D systems from same software developer would use the same routing technique; also, how about bundling pipes . . .

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Nice idea!


would be great for design planing with an option to switch it later to another routing type


Sometimes in a piping system one uses flexible piping to connect to other elements. Perhaps add a feature whereby you click on the points where you would like they two ends of the flexible pipe to be and Revit would create this pipe shape whether it be a "S", "L" or "U".... shape. Clicking on the pipe you then have the option to specify a maximum bend radius. for the flexible pipe, thus Revit would adjust the pipe to this maximum bend radius. All of this would probably need to be scheduled too. ie Length, Max Bend Radius, Diameter.... 

Some real world examples of this would be connecting a fire truck to a fire hydrant or a hose in an industrial complex...

Thank you for your detailed Idea, @wr.marshall . Here is a similar post to consider: Create Pipe without fittings options - Autodesk Community


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones Thank you for the link. It looks like a similar idea, please combine.


When modeling Flex pipes its really time consuming to lay them nice besides each other and make them go nice around close corners. I wish a better control of the flexibility, maybe through one or more of the following means:

1. Changeable value for flex pipe flexability

2. Changeable value for the directional fix of each vertex point or between two vertex points 

3. A Kind of user specified Grid or Angle system for flex pipes were a tendency for flex pipe alignment to this grid or certain angles exist.

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Thanks, @wr.marshall !




Please Add Conver Pipe to Flex pipe for Sprinkler like convert to flex Air Terminal.


@wr.marshall  Thank you!

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FYI what we all really need is a version of "conduit without fittings" for HVAC piping.


For everybody's knowledge, you can use conduit without fittings for the time being. Hopefully your BIM Manager is okay with that however... although it's fitting-less, it does actually use fittings, but it appears on drawings without separator lines where pipes meet fittings, so it appears seamless. They're very similar to other pipe fittings. Create lookup tables to tabulate the nominal diameter to the minimum bend radius, and maybe create a desired bend radius to increase where necessary, etc. You can't assign GPM to them (or can you with Project Parameters? Hmm) by default, but when you select the full run, and give it a unique number, you can create a Conduit Run Schedule where it will add the centerline length of bends to the total, so that you can total your circuit runs instantly.




Hi, I would like to add electrical busbar (basically large aluminium tubes (diamater 120mm)) from one piece of equipment to another. The terminals can be on different levels so in elevation view, they go from the top of one piece of equipment to the bottom of another, anything between 1m and 10m span. It was easy to this in Creo or inventor as you attached points to the model and could connect the "tubes/Pipes" from point to point in x,y,z planes.

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Oggi come oggi se usa molto nella costruzione, gli inserimento della tubazione flessibile in pvc nella uscita di elementi tipo lampade, uscita quadro elettrici, tra altro..

E necessario computare queste tratti di tubazione che tutto sommato fano la una quantitĆ  da tenere presente 

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