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Copy with Base Point

Copy with Base Point

Title says it - copy / cut and paste with base point. No more additional positioning needed afterwards.

Is this a function that is not fulfilled by the out of the box paste functions?

@Anonymous: I should have mentioned copy / cut and paste to / from clipboard.

If you use the "Paste Aligned..." options in the Copy - Paste tools, you should get the same thing as the Copy with Base Point tool in ACAD. 


There are options for "Paste Aligned to Selected Levels", "Paste Aligned to Selected Views", "Paste Aligned to Current View", and "Paste Aligned to Picked View." 


Try the Paste Aligned to Current View tool first. This will paste you object to the same X-Y coordinates as it was copied from. 

Is that was you are looking for? 



Paste Aligned.jpg



@Anonymous: these paste-options won't let you paste objects to a particular spot right away.



I will be happy if you implement the features like Copy with base point (source point / Object snap) and Paste with base point (second point / Object snap). 

I submit this idea on behalf of one of our valuable customers, Mr.Sudhan.




The copy command "CO" in Revit works just as copy with Base Point. you cant type coordinates in Revit but snap to different points works fine.


2017-02-03 10-48-34.png


But then your not able to copy it in another view. This works just for the current view.

True, the copy command doesn't work between levels and that would be a desired function.

Have you tried with the Paste Aligned function? This is a basic functionality that most users are not aware of.


Here is an update from customer and see the below.

Copy with basepoint in Clipboard & paste with basepoint in Clipboard. Must copy to clipboard & paste from clipboard.

It is useful from one revit file to other.  One location to other location. Easy to rebar. Easy unique dimensions.


The current copy and paste function with the options for pasting do not suit copying between models.

i.e I have similar flat layouts which have different locations in my main model so the copy aligned will not work.

If I want to paste a selection of items into various models (that are in different positions) there is no easy way to do this other than paste from clipboard and them manually move it into position. If the items to be paste are hosted then they will not paste in the middle of no ware.

I would like to copy from a point and then paste from a point into another model.

Currently you cannot do this.

This appears to be an easy fix so please can you look into it.




Can group the elements needed to be copied. Then change the group origin to the desired location (e.g project base point) by dragging the group origin. Then select paste to another file using copy from clipboard then the cursor will be at the base point of the copied elements (group origin) then pick the desired base point in the required file to get the elements pasted. But it will be great, if we can get the option of copy with base point like CAD.





It should be as easy as : select objet, right clic : copy with base point, clic the base point. Go to the other view, paste the objet directly where you need it in only 1 clic and it's done.

But we have to transform it into a group (just to be able to have a base point) or paste it "somewhere" and then select it to place it where we want it. And that is if we can snap somewhere helpfull on the objet. If not, we need to place it in a few steps. Or draw lines to be able to snap to the right place and delete the lines after.


How has this not been implemented!!!


It is not clear to me how someone figured that using Internal origin as basepoint is a good idea. Please give us the option to copy at lease based on survey or PBP.




This still should be included in basic functionality. there are so many times that i'm copying from one section to another or one plan region to another where the ootb functions in revit just don't work effeciently.

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