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The ability to get and set label parameters in the family environment is crucial. Imagine if you want to make a titleblock with hundreds of parameters for instance. Using the API to set the shared parameter of each of the individual labels from a list or subset of the shared parameter database would save hours of time.
I need to get and set the label. I am doing a resolve of Shared Parameter names in a family/project to those listed in the Shared Parameter File. This is pretty much the last item to complete the process.
Vote yes. One work around I did on reading which parameters were being used. On the topic of parameter maintenance, I wanted to gather information about which parameters were being actively used in tags.
So I used tag.TagText and then compared that value to the values of the parameters returned from taggedElement.Parameters to deduce which parameters were driving the TagText. Obviously this become exponentially more complicated with concatenated parameters and delimiters, but served my purpose.