Default Wall Constraint settings are defined by the Project Template wall constraint settings at the time of save.
A lot of effort is spent re-setting the wall constraints to the 'same' (but different from the default) settings every time a wall is placed in any given configuration. We all agree that modifying the Project Template to get different wall constraints to stick is not really a viable option (which would not affect the current project anyway - only new projects based upon the Template).
If I am placing walls on the first floor (default setting) in the morning, but then come back after lunch to place walls on the second floor, every wall I place on the second floor has to have the wall constraints reset, each and every time. If by 5pm, I am building the foundation walls, which have a common T.O. Footing constraint, but which also have numerous T.O. Foundation offsets, not having to reset the wall base constraints each time would be a blessing.
Would it make sense for Revit to change this parameter to allow the most recently used wall constraint settings to define the current 'default' settings, so that as we build walls, at any given moment, the constraint settings 'stick'?
Brilliant idea, no?
While Autodesk is at it, please relocate the 'top' of wall constraints to be located above the wall base constraints in the Properties Palette, so as to be a little more intuitive, e.g., "the top of the wall is above the base of the wall."
Thank you!