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Allow text in formulas

Allow text in formulas

Allow text parameters in formulas.
e.g Fire Rating = FireRating
(as in NBS BIM Object standard)

The proper implementation of this idea would also be a solution for the problem in this one: Sort/Group by a Combined Parameter (R2017+)


Perhaps Revit can take a page from Archicad's book on this one. Since Archicad 22, the expressions in Archicad are blowing Revit's out of the water:



I wish we had some of those text operators!





Any updates on this. How is this not done yet? It's 2019.


Would be great if we could even just parse text parameters to see whats in them, sort of like you can with FILTER RULES in Visibilty/Graphics overrides - in that area, you can check if a Parameter "contains" specific text. I think that should be an available option in formulas as well as just in things like "conditional formatting" in schedules. 


Please Autodesk this will be such a usefull thing in family creation. 

Add text capibility in your formulas 


Very specifically, I want to be able to use text (strings) in If Then statements.


If(Fire Rating = "1 HR",Do_This, Else_Do_That)


Also note, Filters already allow dissection of strings such as contains, begins with, does not equal, etc.  It would be of great benefit to have all those string manipulation tools available in Revit formulas.


string / text functions are very basic stuff. Should be a must in Revit.

Not applicable

Is there any update on this functionality? It would be very very helpful if we have a built-in function that compares string and output boolean values. I know that as of now we cannot compare strings because of the apostrophes in English units so a built-in function would be great. Something like StringCompare("string", "string"). 


Any update?  This is a MUST have!

Not applicable

I'd love this feature.  I'd like to be able to combine "Room: Number" & "Room: Name" into one calculated field that can act as a header in schedules.  I would use this primarily for equipment schedules. 

Status changed to: Gathering Support

Congratulations! We are updating this thread to Gathering Support. We are continuing to evaluate where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision. 


The Factory





At present, the parameters of text type can not be used as the judgment condition of if formula, which is a pity,
Currently, it is not supported to convert the values of two parameters into text and merge them,
Hope to support more such functions, just like excel

Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hi, @TOM` 


Here is a similar Idea:

Allow text in formulas - Autodesk Community


I would like to combine your post with this one.

Thank you for your submission!



how to use REVIT like Excel?

Not applicable

I guessed this was a basic option, how something like this takes 5 years to finish is beyond me.


@Anonymous It is not taking 5 years to finish, they haven't even started because they don't deem it worthy of work. They recently upgraded it to "gathering support" so they will likely start working on it in the year 2026.


"Gathering Support" means squat. I've seen plenty of items "gathering support" then fizzle. The Idea's station is functionally broken. Who is going to find this particular FIVE YEAR OLD idea and up vote it? How many other nearly identical ideas are out there? I recently lambasted Autodesk in a survey about the Idea's page and how it doesn't work. It just makes us users feel like we aren't being heard even more. If text in formulas EVER come to fruition, it might possibly be minorly influenced by this Idea page. But more likely it's because they finally figured it out, or its because someone else within the Revit programmers needed it for something. I'll post to the ideas. I'll vote for ideas. But I have no delusion that anything will ever come out of these. If they can't do a simple thing like create a Navisworks Ideas page (an idea which has been "gathering support" for 6+ years) and that only takes some minor copy/paste work from the web team; there is no chance that we will see text in formulas any time soon.


Just my pessimistic opinion. I'll get off my soapbox now.

@RobertAGlover  I certainly hope I can change your mind at least a little! Allow me to introduce myself as the new Revit Community Manager. Part of my job is to monitor, review and "organize" the Revit Ideas. Yes, there are thousands of Ideas. Yes, some of them are many years old and may or may not ever come to fruition, however, we will never delete an Idea. All Ideas are under review by myself and our Product Managers and Product Owners.  Almost half of the improvements to the upcoming release came from Revit Ideas. I would encourage you to check out this Inside the Factory session to learn more about how teams determine what improvements are included. You can also see what the teams are working on in the Revit Public Roadmap  and add your votes there as well. You can also join the Revit Preview Release and interact directly with the developers on features and improvements in development.


Bottom line...I'm here. We're listening. Honest! 🙂


Great @kimberly_fuhrman-jones I look forward to your new role and Revit improving based on users' needs


Agreed with @Samuel.Arsenault-Brassard!


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones The fact that you responded, and as quickly as you did already speaks volumes. I stand corrected and look forward to working with you. 🙂

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