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Allow text in formulas

Allow text in formulas

Allow text parameters in formulas.
e.g Fire Rating = FireRating
(as in NBS BIM Object standard)

I don't seem to be able to upload files here. But i have a dynamo script that renames my type mark to what the type is called.


For type-mark I also created a shared parameter. Because the oob type mark parameter isn't fixed and changes per project. but i want them be the same all the time. So my above script is only needed once really. 

Obviously your tags and schedules also need to use that shared parameter. 


@HVAC-Novice - Are you able to upload to an external source and share the link (e.g. google drive, dropbox mega etc)


Would love that script in the meantime.  


I wouldn't mind doing what you do in reverse, Type Mark to Type Name even.


Would have been nice to have this today, only been a request for 7 years.

Don't worry, its gathering support!

@crapai It's been a lot longer than 7 years, this discussion is from 15 years ago:


At the current rate of what Autodesk call 'development', I'll have retired (another 15 years away) before anything users really want and have been repeatedly asked for is implemented by Autodesk.


Let's celebrate the tenth anniversary of this idea 🥳



How many years does an idea have to be 'gathering support' before it ends up on some youtube channel as a 'greatest ideas that never made it'?

Maybe they are waiting for another shame letter from the industry? :incoming_envelope:


Periodic bump from myself, that my team would benefit from this functionality.



Would be a great feature to combine two or more text parameters in Schedules like this:



Hey now, easy with the bumps. Let this Garner support for at least another
decade before we start bumping these kinds of implementations

If there are things about formulas that are difficult to implement, then perhaps the problem isn't the features being requested, but the underlying code base for formulas itself. Many more people are savvy enough today to understand data structures and type casting. A good chunk of people running software today are coding in Python and C#. We get that things can be difficult. It's really hard to imagine something like this feature not being implemented. This is Autodesk. It isn't a startup with 10 people working out of a garage. There's no reason Revit should have issues AutoCAD had solved 25 years ago.


To be honest –and I realize this is extreme– but I think Revit itself could use a ground-up rewrite that goes off a new spec. There's some really dumb limitations with Revit that infuriate users. Small lines, can't do that. PDFs linked, can't do that. Formulas that work with common units, doesn't work. Labels with text formatting, can't do that. Concatenating of text? Really? There is clearly something wrong with the underlying code base. Autodesk is making new software left and right, but I think it's time one of those new products be a new BIM app that puts Revit on a shelf.

If Autodesk doesn't do it, someone else will.

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I was going to post my own use case here, but Revit develoment team: aren't there enough reasons listed here already? How much support needs to be gathered for something so critical with no real workarounds? Basic string formulas, for all the reasons mentioned above, are not just bells and whistles, they are a core part to decent inside-Revit data management that should not take 7+ years to implement.







Look on the bright side, every dollar saved on not developing software that corporate and other users will still buy, despite the now very noticeable lack of any development, every year, is a dollar free to go towards the ludicrous 'compensation' that Autodesk's management get each year for explaining away why they are not providing any meaningful updates.

That kind of chutzpa takes 'talent' that we mere mortals obviously don't have, or we wouldn't be using the software, we'd be making 7 or 8 figure incomes (plus stock options, bonuses etc etc) in what is really charging rent (hard to tell if this is /s or not?). 


Starting to think Autodesk is run by Kang & Kodos (hideous space reptiles), what with the approach it takes to ideas. 


Can't believe an 8 year old thread asking for the feature is the top google result for this issue. Eight years! It can't be that hard surely!



According to Autodesk, it is that hard apparently.  Evidently, they don't hire developers that are capable of basic programming tasks.  Instead, they hire PR people with little to no programming experience to make the case to the community that "it's hard, so we won't do it."  I'm just waiting for another company to figure out the potential market in a competitor to Autodesk that actually listens to its user base, and I'd gladly switch our whole company away from Autodesk.



I think they hire the marketing people to try and convince us that things like Creating, or Voting in favour of, an Idea will actually result in Autodesk doing anything that users would find useful.


As opposed to, say, Autodesk doing very little, that they can still spin as a 'Brand New Feature', to hike the price of the latest release that everyone has to buy, at an above inflation rate, again.


It's only a matter of time before Autodesk get a dishonorable mention on this Wikipedia  Page , along with the other 'usual suspects'.

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