Currently a nested shared family will not report its level in properties or a schedule. The elevation is reported but it is irrelevant (-576' 4 7/8" for a device placed at 42"AFF, for example)
We use nested shared families to improve coordination between disciplines. As a security and low voltage consultant, we have placed a data device in other family categories (security, communication, etc) so that when a non-data device requiring a data connection is placed our data connection symbol appears on our data views. From here they can be circuited, tagged, and scheduled. However, the level parameter is null. This diminishes the usefulness of the schedule.
There are workarounds, each either requiring more effort or creating their own separate problems:
- Manual coordination is so CAD and prone to error
- Placing two connectors within same family (and a subcategory or something to control symbol visibility) works but only the circuit of the primary connector is can be scheduled
- Place spaces or rooms and schedule the space:level or room:level parameter is probably the best option, except for areas where a room or space is not placed, like the exterior