I haven't found a way to do this, but I have been accused of having abnormal skull density in the past.
I have two numbers that exist in any project.
My survey point, from which I create and lay out my site elements, including topography (North Atlantic Vertical Datum (NAVD)).
My base point, from which I lay out my building elements, including elevations of my levels (Level 1 = top of slab(0'-0" ARCHitectural)).
Since both of these points exist in Revit, it seems doable, but I only have the option in Revit to set my topo at Absolute Elevation and Absolute Elevation is in reference to Level 1 - 0'-0". In order to set my topo elevation points, I have to math up the delta between Level 1 - 0'-0" and where I want my topo to be (or is) relative to Level 1 - 0'-0".
Ideally, I would be able to keep my project base point at Level 1 - 0'-0" ARCH and my survey point at 0'-0" NAVD and tell Revit that my 0'-0" ARCH is 17'-0" NAVD (for example), set my topo points at 16'-0" (based on the survey) and have my Level 1 top of slab 1'-0" above my grade *and* at 0'-0" ARCH.
The only way I have seen to accomplish this is a separate topo model, linked into the building model, and moved vertically -16'-0". I don’t *want* to do this, but I have not seen another alternative. I would love to know if it is there is one.