Since I cannot seem to find the resolution after about 3 hours of Googling, scouring the Knowledge base and looking for support's phone number, I reach out in the hopes that someone will have an answer.
How do I Audit in Revit LT 2015???????????? Please do not tell me the "Audit" checkbox when opening a project, because it doesn't exist.
Why does the Audit button exist in Revit LT 2014 & 2016, but NOT in 2015????????????????????????? Oversight on Autodesk part or deliberate? I need to Audit a file and I am starting to get pissed. I have been an Autodesk supporter and buyer for the several manufacturing and engineering firms for in the past 30 years. WTF Autodesk, this is simple. I guess when people move out on the their own and only purchase 1 license they don't matter any longer! No wonder so many people move to other products. Dissappointing.