Here is a sample of your model with design options applied.
The Help file is a good place to learn the basic functions of Design Options:
To use Design Options, think of them as models within the main model. Make use of the design options buttons at the bottom of your screen:
![Design Options toggles.png Design Options toggles.png](
The basic order I use is: first, create your model. Second, make your Design Options in the Design Options menu. Third, activate each design option using the drop-down box (where the middle arrow is pointing in the above image) and toggle off the "Active Only" check box. Fourth, add the items you want in the options using the "Add to Set" button which appears next to the drop-down box. Fifth, separately in each design option, delete the items you do not want in the active design option. When you delete an item in an option set it does not delete it from other option sets. Then, when you have finished setting up your design options, exit the options editor by selecting "Main Model" in the drop-down box.
Also I advise you learn about using Visibility/Graphics to control which Design Options show in different views (the Visibility/Graphics part is mentioned in the video around the 5:50 time mark):
I hope that helps!