I need to export an image that has the same resolution and does not overlap, to create a cubemap. I manage to export the images with cropbox but the resolution does not become the same.
My code:
View3D view3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
BoundingBoxXYZ box = new BoundingBoxXYZ();
box.Min = new XYZ(-0.1,-0.1,-1000);
box.Max = new XYZ(0.1, 0.1, -0.100000000);
view3D.CropBox = box;
TaskDialog.Show("s", "Max : " + view3D.CropBox.Max.ToString() + "Min : " + view3D.CropBox.Min.ToString());
var front = new ImageExportOptions
ZoomType = ZoomFitType.FitToPage,
PixelSize = 1000,
FilePath = "C:/Users/CAD2/Desktop/Front.png",
FitDirection = FitDirectionType.Horizontal,
HLRandWFViewsFileType = ImageFileType.PNG,
ImageResolution = ImageResolution.DPI_600,
ExportRange = ExportRange.CurrentView