Few months ago, I downloaded 3Dwarehouse for revit and it worked perfectly for a few weeks.
After sometime, warehouse stopped responding.
As an interior designer, I am always looking for 3D models.
Has AMC bridge removed warehouse extension for Revit?
It is extremely useful.
Is there a way to get 3D furniture/ interior models in revit directly , without having to browse on 3Dwarehouse on the web and then importing the models?
Something which is more fast like warehouse in sketchup?
Why not go directly to the horse's mouth? That is, search for Manufacturers' Revit content directly through the Manufacturer. Also, what about BIMObject, Arcat, etc.?
Frankly, Google keywords searches have never failed to turn up something I could use (e.g. "Chair", "Revit", "Family"). Just saying...
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