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Visualizing circuits in 3D

Message 1 of 11
1515 Views, 10 Replies

Visualizing circuits in 3D

I'm trying to create a script that will help me better visualize circuits in 3D. Basically, you select one or more electrical panels, and temporary generic model lines will get drawn in between all the elements in each circuit on the panel. The problem is that a single circuit may have 10 or more receptacles, and I don't want a line going from the panelboard to each receptacle - I'd like to show them daisy-chained together like when you create a circuit. I set up a nearest-neighbor algorithm and a minimum spanning tree algorithm, but neither really matches the results that you'd see if you tab-select a circuit and add wiring. Here's my current implementation in pyRevit. I have attached screenshots of the results of each.

""" Visualize Connected Circuits

Author: Perry Lackowski
Tested: 2021.1

import sys

from pyrevit import DB, forms, revit, script
from Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection import ObjectType
from Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection import ISelectionFilter

from enum import Enum
from rpw import ui

doc = revit.doc
uidoc = revit.uidoc
output = script.get_output()

selectable_categories = [

def UI_get_equipment():
    selected_equipment_ids = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds()
    # If pre-selection, convert ids to elements, and remove anything that
    # isn't electrical equipment.
    if selected_equipment_ids:
        selected_equipment = [doc.GetElement(eId) for eId in selected_equipment_ids]
        selected_equipment = [x for x in selected_equipment if x.Category.Id.IntegerValue in selectable_categories]
        use_preselected_elements = forms.alert(msg='You currently have {} elements selected. Do you want to proceed with the currently selected item(s)?'.format(len(selected_equipment)),ok=False,yes=True, no=True)
        if use_preselected_elements:
            return selected_equipment
    # If post selection, use the Revit's PickObjects to select items. 
    # selection_filter limits selection to electrical equipment.
    selection_filter = electrical_equipment_filter()
        selection_reference = uidoc.Selection.PickObjects(ObjectType.Element, selection_filter, 'Select Electrical Equipment to rename.')
        # if selection is aborted, it throws an exception...
    if not selection_reference:
    selected_equipment = [doc.GetElement(r.ElementId) for r in selection_reference]

    return selected_equipment

class electrical_equipment_filter(ISelectionFilter):
    def __init__(self):
    def AllowElement(self, element):
        if element.Category.Id.IntegerValue in selectable_categories:
            return True
            return False
    def AllowReference(self, element):
        return False

def get_parents_and_children(elem):
    parents_and_children = list(elem.MEPModel.GetElectricalSystems())
    children = list(elem.MEPModel.GetAssignedElectricalSystems())
    parents = []
    for es in parents_and_children:
        if es.Id not in [x.Id for x in children]:

    # To get the corresponding elements from the circuit, you can typically use
    # circuit.Elements. However, if you're looking at the parent circuit, the 
    # base element element will be the only item in this list. In parent
    # circuits, you'll want to look at the BaseEquipment property.

    return parents, children

class Colors(Enum):
    Red = DB.Color(255,0,0)
    Green = DB.Color(0,128,0)
    Blue = DB.Color(70,65,240)

def create_line(start, end):
    if start.DistanceTo(end) < 1:
         return False
    new_line = DB.Line.CreateBound(start,end)
    return new_line

def make_shape(lines, color):
    new_shape = DB.DirectShape.CreateElement(doc, DB.ElementId(DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_GenericModel))

    graphic_settings = DB.OverrideGraphicSettings()

    doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(new_shape.Id, graphic_settings)

    return new_shape

def set_shape_params(shape, circuit_slot, circuit_name):
    shape.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_MARK).Set('pyRevit Electrical Circuit Visualization')
    shape.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_INSTANCE_COMMENTS).Set('{} - {}'.format(circuit_slot, circuit_name))

from itertools import izip, tee
def pairwise(iterable):
    "s -> (s0, s1), (s1, s2), (s2, s3), ..."
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return izip(a, b)

# def minimum_spanning_tree(source, points):
#     # Create a set to keep track of visited points
#     visited = set()

#     # Initialize the source point
#     visited.add(source)

#     # Initialize the lines list
#     lines = []

#     # Loop until all points have been visited
#     while len(visited) < len(points) + 1:
#         # Find the closest unvisited point to the visited set
#         min_dist = float('inf')
#         min_point = None
#         for visited_point in visited:
#             for neighbor in points:
#                 if neighbor in visited:
#                     continue
#                 dist = visited_point.DistanceTo(neighbor)
#                 if dist < min_dist:
#                     min_dist = dist
#                     min_point = neighbor
#         # Add the closest point to the visited set and draw a line to it
#         visited.add(min_point)
#         new_line = create_line(min_point, visited_point)
#         lines.append(new_line)

#     return lines

def nearest_neighbor(source, points):
    unvisited = set(points)
    sorted_points = [source]
    while unvisited:
        closest = min(unvisited, key=lambda p: p.DistanceTo(sorted_points[-1]))
    lines = []
    for x, y in pairwise(sorted_points):
        line = create_line(x, y)
    return lines

# def star_connect(source, points):
#     lines = []
#     for point in points:
#         line = create_line(source, point)
#         lines.append(line)
#     return lines

def visualize_circuits(equipment):
    equipment_origin = equipment.GetTransform().Origin
    parents, children = get_parents_and_children(equipment)
    new_shapes = []
    lines = []

    # First draw circuits for parents (upstream sources)
    for circuit in parents:
        circuit_slot = circuit.Name
        circuit_name = circuit.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_NAME).AsString()
        line = create_line(equipment_origin, circuit.BaseEquipment.GetTransform().Origin)
        if line:
    if lines:
        shape = make_shape(lines, Colors.Red.value)
        set_shape_params(shape, circuit_slot, circuit_name)
        print('Source Vector: {}'.format(output.linkify(shape.Id)))

    children = sorted(children, key=lambda x: x.Name)

    # Next draw circuits for children (downstream loads)
    for circuit in children:
        circuit_slot = circuit.Name
        circuit_name = circuit.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.RBS_ELEC_CIRCUIT_NAME).AsString()
        if 'SPARE' in circuit_name or 'SPACE' in circuit_name:
        print('{} - {}'.format(circuit_slot, circuit_name))
        load_locations = [elem.GetTransform().Origin for elem in circuit.Elements]

        lines = nearest_neighbor(equipment_origin, load_locations)
        ## Two alternate algorithms for drawing lines:
        # lines = minimum_spanning_tree(equipment_origin, load_locations)
        # lines = star_connect(equipment_origin, load_locations)

        if lines:
            shape = make_shape(lines, Colors.Blue.value)
            set_shape_params(shape, circuit_slot, circuit_name)
            print('Load Vector: {}'.format(output.linkify(shape.Id)))
    return new_shapes

selected_equipment = UI_get_equipment()
t = DB.Transaction(doc, "Visualize Electrical Equipment")
all_created_circuits = []

for equipment in selected_equipment:

if all_created_circuits:
    selection = ui.Selection()
    for shape in all_created_circuits:



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Message 2 of 11

Wow. Intimidating project, intimidating pictures, for me. Not knowing much whatsoever about the subject, the reality it is helps describe, and the use of the functionality you are aiming to implement, I would suggest taking a step back from Revit and model lines and ponder how to best display complex graph relationships, e.g.,



Jeremy Tammik Developer Advocacy and Support + The Building Coder + Autodesk Developer Network + ADN Open
Message 3 of 11
in reply to: PerryLackowski

I used the Delaunay algorithm to connect all the elements that have electrical circuits.




That was the best I found to visualize circuits in 3d.


Luiz Henrique Cassettari - Revit API Developer

AppLoader EasyConduit WireInConduit ConduitMaterial CircuitName ElectricalUtils

Message 4 of 11

The goal of this script is to help our team decide if panels can/should be relocated based on the locations of their loads (to minimize feeder lengths and voltage drop). Typically, I might just go to a plan view and look at the wiring, but with the size of the project we're working on, we have 21 views across two floors, across multiple disciplines like lighting, power distribution, house power.


The star-connected approach has been ok, as long as I group the generic models I'm creating by circuit so I can see which clusters of lines belong together. But it looks very messy when two circuits feed to the same room, so there might be 10-20 lines going off in the same direction. I'm really looking to generate a node graph that matches the proposed wiring that Revit provides when you create new circuits (see attached image). If I could, I'd like to just use the existing wiring that's in the views in the project (basically I'd do a search for the wires that are linked with that circuit and use the end points of those wires as the X- and Y-coordinates, then add the Z-coordinate from the model elements to draw my 3D graph lines), however I can't guarantee that every element is wired in the plans, and there's also no guarantee that the wire layouts are up-to-date/accurate. So I'd settle for an approximate layout that uses Revit's predictive wiring system.


I see in the API that Revit has a Wire Create() method, but it seems like the set of XYZ points you provide to the method argument are used to generate a single wire at a time. Is there a way to provide multiple XYZ points and have Revit insert multiple wires to inter-connect the points?


Otherwise, after finding this page, using a force-directed graph with simulated annealing seems like the closest approach. However, I'm in way over my head here, and sadly I just won't have time to implement this. It also looks like it's generating a 'closed' graph, similar to the Delaunay approach, where all the nodes are interconnected. It would still need some second function to eliminate closed loops if we want it to be more accurate.


Finally, are there any recommendations as far as modeling these vectors go? I'm generating lines and placing them in Generic Model elements right now, but I'm wondering if that's the best approach. It offers no easy way for me to select all similar and delete them when I'm done, so if I forget they are there and start doing other things, I'll eventually need a script to find and delete them. Perhaps putting them in a unique sub-category of electrical equipment, or maybe under analytical models somewhere?


Thanks for the help!



Message 5 of 11

Have you looked at ElectricalSystem.GetCircuitPath()?

Message 6 of 11

I did try that at first, but it had its own problems. The first is that the circuit's Path Mode must be set to 'All Devices', rather than 'Farthest Device'. This isn't always the case. If it's set to Farthest Device, then GetCircuitPath() only returns the points to get to the farthest device. I'd have to override the existing Path Mode settings for each circuit on the panel, and then set them back when done - and this means taking ownership over all the circuits, which may not be feasible with the number of users we have on this project.


And while that would likely get us pretty close to the desired result, it's also still not perfect. As a test, I cleared the wires from a lighting circuit and redrew them using the automatic tool. Then I opened up the Edit Path tool and set the Path Mode to All Devices, and you can see in the attachment that the path still contains closed loops, whereas the wires do not.

Message 7 of 11
in reply to: PerryLackowski

If your goal is to check if your panel is near or far from the load, the best approach should be to create a load center from the panel. Basically, the interpolation between each element location using the load value (Load1*Location1 + Load2*Location2) / (Load1 + Load2).


I don't use Revit Wire, I have a plugin to create wires inside Conduit/CableTray, that's a requirement in my country, so Revit Wire is useless in my case.


If you only need to verify the panel location probably messing with Wire is a bad choice, Wire is a 2d element that needs to have a view to work. You could try to get the location of the Wire and draw the lines, but I'm not sure if gonna be easy to see in a 3d view.


You already using DirectShape to create the lines, I guess that is the easiest way. You could set a name in the DirectShape element and use that to select every single one and delete using another command.

Luiz Henrique Cassettari - Revit API Developer

AppLoader EasyConduit WireInConduit ConduitMaterial CircuitName ElectricalUtils

Message 8 of 11
in reply to: ricaun

Good ideas @ricaun. Finding a center-point that's weighted based on the loads may be an easier approach. I could then use the distance between that center-point and the panel origin as a metric that I could even potentially calculate for every panel, without having to model anything. I may eventually put that together as a separate tool which you could use first, to find the problem panels.


I agree using wire is not ideal - it would take quite a bit of manipulation to get from 2D wire to 3D vector shapes. If I eventually find time to pursue this further, I'll likely use a Delaunay implementation as you have suggested. It's too bad Revit wire isn't 3D - I have gotten in trouble before for copying a plan view with wires; I eventually deleted the wires from the first view and it took me ages to figure out why I still couldn't recircuit the elements.


Also, good to know I can SetName on the DirectShapes. I have just been storing info in the comment and mark parameters, but that leaves them open to editing by others, which is risky if I ever need to search through them and delete them based on a filter.

Message 9 of 11
in reply to: PerryLackowski

I'm not sure if the distance is too useful to know where is the best place to put the panel. And probably gonna add some features like that in the plugin ElectricalUtils, using DirectContext3D would be fun to show the load center without creating any element.

Luiz Henrique Cassettari - Revit API Developer

AppLoader EasyConduit WireInConduit ConduitMaterial CircuitName ElectricalUtils

Message 10 of 11
in reply to: ricaun

Very interesting discussion, great suggestions! Thank you for sharing your deep experience in this area, @ricaun !


Published on the blog as well:


Jeremy Tammik Developer Advocacy and Support + The Building Coder + Autodesk Developer Network + ADN Open
Message 11 of 11
in reply to: PerryLackowski

There is also an option of tracing by cable-carrying systems, such as Cable Tray and Conduit, using their LocationCurve.EndPoint-s or ConnectorManager

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