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Auto split Floor by intersect Grids

Message 1 of 3
155 Views, 2 Replies

Auto split Floor by intersect Grids

I tried split 1 floor by 1 grid but stuck when auto split by multiple Grids intersect it.

How to good solution for it.

I stuck with multiple grids cut floor.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Autodesk.Revit.Attributes;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection;
using Grid = Autodesk.Revit.DB.Grid;

namespace TestProject
    public class SplitFloor : IExternalCommand
        UIDocument _uidoc;
        Document _doc;

        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commdata, ref string msg, ElementSet elemset)
            _uidoc = commdata.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            _doc = _uidoc.Document;
            List<Line> floorboundary = new List<Line>();
            CurveLoop Floorpart1 = new CurveLoop();
            CurveLoop Floorpart2 = new CurveLoop();
            FloorFilter _onlyFloors = new FloorFilter();
            GridFilter _onlyGrids = new GridFilter();
            RefPlaneFilter _onlyRefs = new RefPlaneFilter();
            Reference floorref = _uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, _onlyFloors, "Select Floor:");
            //Reference refref = _uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, _onlyGrids, "Select Grid:");

            List<Grid> allgrids = new FilteredElementCollector(_doc).OfClass(typeof(Grid)).WhereElementIsNotElementType().Cast<Grid>().ToList();

            foreach(Grid g in allgrids)
                ReferencePlane refplane;

                using (Transaction newplane = new Transaction(_doc, "newplane"))
                    refplane = _doc.Create.NewReferencePlane(g.Curve.GetEndPoint(0), g.Curve.GetEndPoint(1), new XYZ(0, 0, 1), _doc.ActiveView);

                Floor testfloor = _doc.GetElement(floorref.ElementId) as Floor;
                //ReferencePlane refplane = _doc.GetElement(refref.ElementId) as ReferencePlane;
                Sketch floorsketch = _doc.GetElement(testfloor.SketchId) as Sketch;
                int placeholder = 0;
                foreach (CurveArray curvarr in floorsketch.Profile)
                    foreach (Line test in curvarr)
                //creating a line to instersect with from the ref plane
                XYZ refstart = new XYZ(refplane.BubbleEnd.X, refplane.BubbleEnd.Y, floorboundary.First().GetEndPoint(0).Z);
                XYZ refend = new XYZ(refplane.FreeEnd.X, refplane.FreeEnd.Y, floorboundary.First().GetEndPoint(0).Z);
                Line refline = Line.CreateBound(refstart, refend);
                XYZ firstintersection = null;
                IntersectionResultArray intarray = new IntersectionResultArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < floorboundary.Count(); i++)
                    SetComparisonResult result = floorboundary[i].Intersect(refline, out intarray);
                    if (result.Equals(SetComparisonResult.Overlap))
                        foreach (IntersectionResult intpoints in intarray)
                            firstintersection = intpoints.XYZPoint;
                            Line newline1 = Line.CreateBound(floorboundary[i].GetEndPoint(0), intpoints.XYZPoint);
                            Line newline2 = Line.CreateBound(intpoints.XYZPoint, floorboundary[i].GetEndPoint(1));
                        placeholder = i + 1;
                    { Floorpart1.Append(floorboundary[i]); }
                for (int j = placeholder; j < floorboundary.Count(); j++)
                    SetComparisonResult result = floorboundary[j].Intersect(refline, out intarray);
                    if (result.Equals(SetComparisonResult.Overlap))
                        foreach (IntersectionResult intpoints in intarray)
                            Line newline2 = Line.CreateBound(floorboundary[j].GetEndPoint(0), intpoints.XYZPoint);
                            Line newline3 = Line.CreateBound(intpoints.XYZPoint, floorboundary[j].GetEndPoint(1));
                            Line newline4 = Line.CreateBound(intpoints.XYZPoint, firstintersection);
                            Line newline5 = newline4.CreateReversed() as Line;
                        placeholder = j + 1;
                    { Floorpart2.Append(floorboundary[j]); }
                for (int k = placeholder; k < floorboundary.Count(); k++)
                List<CurveLoop> FirstSide = new List<CurveLoop>() { Floorpart1 };
                List<CurveLoop> LastSide = new List<CurveLoop>() { Floorpart2 };
                //should probably test if the curveloops are open before continueing
                bool test1 = Floorpart1.IsOpen();
                bool test2 = Floorpart2.IsOpen();
                using (Transaction tr = new Transaction(_doc))
                    tr.Start("Create new floors");
                    Floor.Create(_doc, FirstSide, testfloor.FloorType.Id, testfloor.LevelId);
                    Floor.Create(_doc, LastSide, testfloor.FloorType.Id, testfloor.LevelId);

            //Grid grid = _doc.GetElement(refref) as Grid;

            //Reference refref = _uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element, _onlyRefs, "Select Reference:");

            return Result.Succeeded;

    public class FloorFilter : ISelectionFilter
        //filter for modeled elements
        public bool AllowElement(Element elem)
            if (elem.Category != null)
                if (elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue.Equals((int)BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors))
                    return true;
                else { return false; }
            else { return false; }
        public bool AllowReference(Reference refer, XYZ loc)
            return true;
    public class RefPlaneFilter : ISelectionFilter
        //filter for modeled elements
        public bool AllowElement(Element elem)
            if (elem.Category != null)
                if (elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue.Equals((int)BuiltInCategory.OST_CLines))
                    return true;
                else { return false; }
            else { return false; }
        public bool AllowReference(Reference refer, XYZ loc)
            return true;
    public class GridFilter : ISelectionFilter
        //filter for modeled elements
        public bool AllowElement(Element elem)
            if (elem.Category != null)
                if (elem.Category.Id.IntegerValue.Equals((int)BuiltInCategory.OST_Grids))
                    return true;
                else { return false; }
            else { return false; }
        public bool AllowReference(Reference refer, XYZ loc)
            return true;


Message 2 of 3
in reply to: manhgt214

Hi @manhgt214 :

the line 47 , the floor still the pick one , but when the loop run twice , this line cant pick , beacuse you first loop is split by grid so you cant spilt by other grid .

if you want to split again , i think you can collect the splited floor by grid , and caclute them not only on floor instance .

LanHui Xu
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Message 3 of 3
in reply to: scgq425

Options geometryOptions = app.NewGeometryOptions();
GeometryElement geometry = part.get_Geometry(geometryOptions);
// get solid of part then get loops of top face
IList<CurveLoop> topfaceCurveloop = topface.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();
//then create new Floor by Curveloop.

I found solution by create part by floor intersect grids then create newFloor based part. It's work fine


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