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Recap 4.0!, integration of Recap and 123D applications

Recap 4.0!, integration of Recap and 123D applications

Dear Autodesk and colleagues,


Recap and 123D (design, make, print, catch, make, mesh, etc.) are all very potential applications. Applications where further development is definitely possible. Applications that make use of a similar environment and workflows.


All these programs got some features, but what if you can create one program (Recap 4.0) that has the option to switch between these disciplines? More collaboration, better work environment, faster working, and more.


The power over other Autodesk products, for example Revit, is that you can use the program for more than one discipline. Imagine that you integrate the 123D applications into Recap, so the customer can choose their discipline just like you do in Revit and other Autodesk products.


Imagine you can 3D scan a building (or object), both with pictures as with a 3D scanner, upload it in Recap (4.0), optimize, outline, add component, reshape, make groups, directly make an export for either Autodesk products or a 3D printer and many more!


This idea generates a lot of possibility's, time savings and licensing benefits for both Autodesk as resellers. Of course, the 123D applications are free at this moment, make use of this! You can make a program (Recap 4.0) where only the features from 123D and some from Recap are free to use, let them taste the possibility's and make more money that way. Win-win.


Vote for this idea and everybody wins!







The problem with "all in one" type applications is that they tend to do nothing very well i.e. in trying be everything to every user, they lose focus, in both functionality and development resources.


Thank you for the comment dgorsman, and I totally agree. Most of the times "all in one" applications don't work like it is intended. Your comment made me see I wasn't clear in my description, that's why I like to add some missing information to my idea:


It is not the idea to create a new application, but to enrich Recap (Recap 4.0). Where all the functions of Recap now, stay the leading part in this application. But the (most important) features of the 123D apps are integrated into Recap, with all the possibilities the 123D app has now but more compact in smarter work environment.123D Catch will become Recap Catch and both cloud services will be combined. 123D Sculpt+ will become Recap Sculpt+.


To visualize my idea see attached pictures for a simple overview of the new Recap 4.0 work environment. It is very similar to Recap now and you can see the 123D app's are all integrated without taking the overhand. All the functions are in smart order, so when you don't need a subject from the program you don't have to use it. So when you only want to design an 3D model to be 3D printed you can do this.


In this way the program can be used by different disciplines without needing to use all features. For the 123D apps there are tons of similar products, this way you can produce a markt leading application that not only everybody wants, but also will need.


Now I made my idea a bit more, clear I'm really interested about your opinion. Feel free to give feedback and tell me if you think it is the way to go.


Best regards,
Josha van Reij1 Startscreen.png2 Create.png3 Navigation & grouping.png4 Design.png5 Objects & checking.png6 Export & callobrate.png
AEC Consultant
Cadac Group
Premium Partner Autodesk

Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for submitting your idea @JvanReij!
The request has been reviewed and we are happy to inform you that Autodesk will make the necessery actions to merge some of the best functinalities from similar products and provide a more cohesive experiance.


You can see the initial start of this initiative on this page, and you can expect a more integrated experiance from ReCap when it comes to utulizing Reality Capture technologies. 


Thank you again for using the Autodesk products and please continue to send us your requirements that will be of your benefit!



The Autodesk ReCap Team

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