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Fatal Crash while moving entity with GripOverrule

Message 1 of 6
1168 Views, 5 Replies

Fatal Crash while moving entity with GripOverrule

I am having a fatal error while moving a line that has grip overrides on it. The line is connected to a data object which I call a slice. The slice has previous slices and next slices. When the line is moved by the grip I move the line and all previous and next lines from the MoveGripPointsAt method. All the lines move fine but when I go to select the line that had the move grip selected the error occurs. I set a debug in GetGripPoints method and I could step though it but when it returns from the method that is where the crash happens. The error is "Unhandled e0434f4dh Exception at fd78aa7dh". I have attached the two methods I talked about above. If you need more info let me know. The code will not run however unless you have all my dependant projects and saved data.


            Public Overrides Sub GetGripPoints(ByVal entity As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity, _
                                               ByVal grips As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GripDataCollection, _
                                               ByVal curViewUnitSize As Double, _
                                               ByVal gripSize As Integer, _
                                               ByVal curViewDir As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Vector3d, _
                                               ByVal bitFlags As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GetGripPointsFlags)

                Dim rb As ResultBuffer = GetData(entity)

                'Only draw custom grips if we have valid data and entity is a Line
                If (Not rb Is Nothing) And (TypeOf entity Is Line) Then
                    'Explode entity and use returned entity set to calc intersections whole overruled entity
                    Dim oEntity As Line = entity

                    Using entSet As New DBObjectCollection
                        SliceExplodeFragments(oEntity, entSet)
                        Dim frontline As Line = entSet.Item(0)
                        Dim backline As Line = entSet.Item(1)

                        'front stretch grip
                        Dim pt1 As Point3d = CAD.Functions.GetMidPoint(frontline.StartPoint, frontline.EndPoint)
                        Dim grip1 As New SliceFrontStretchGrip
                        grip1.Ordinal = 0
                        grip1.GripPoint = pt1

                        'back stretch grip
                        Dim pt2 As Point3d = CAD.Functions.GetMidPoint(backline.StartPoint, backline.EndPoint)
                        Dim grip2 As New SliceBackStretchGrip
                        grip2.Ordinal = 0
                        grip2.GripPoint = pt2

                        'front move grip
                        Dim pt3 As Point3d = frontline.StartPoint
                        Dim grip3 As New SliceMoveGrip
                        grip3.Ordinal = 0
                        grip3.GripPoint = pt3

                        'back move grip
                        Dim pt4 As Point3d = backline.StartPoint
                        Dim grip4 As New SliceMoveGrip
                        grip4.Ordinal = 0
                        grip4.GripPoint = pt4

                    End Using
                End If
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Sub MoveGripPointsAt(ByVal entity As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity, _
                                                  ByVal grips As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GripDataCollection, _
                                                  ByVal offset As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Vector3d, _
                                                  ByVal bitFlags As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.MoveGripPointsFlags)

                ''We only take  action when we get this call on a database resident entity
                ''A dragging operation makes a shallow clone of line, and setting CloneMeForDragging to false is generally a bad idea.
                ''(If you do set CloneMeForDragging to false, then don't call base class overridden methods).
                If entity.Id.IsValid Then
                    'Get slice data
                    Dim rb As ResultBuffer = GetData(entity)
                    'Only draw custom grips if we have valid data and entity is a Line
                    If (Not rb Is Nothing) And (TypeOf entity Is Line) Then
                        'Cast to a Line so we can access properties
                        Dim oEntity As Line = entity
                        Dim offsetDist As Double = offset.X
                        Dim oSlice As Graphics.CncSlice

                        ' Lets see if the slice keyed by the entity id is in the table
                        If Graphics.CncSlice.Slices.ContainsKey(oEntity.ObjectId) = True Then
                            oSlice = Graphics.CncSlice.Slices.Item(oEntity.ObjectId)
                            MsgBox("The slice keyed by " & oEntity.ObjectId.ToString & " is not in the slices table")
                        End If

                        ''Iterate through list of all grips being moved
                        For Each g As GripData In grips
                            ' see if it is the slice move grip
                            If TypeOf g Is SliceMoveGrip Then
                                ' We are working with a move grip so lets move the slice. Now we need to call the move of the slice
                                Dim ans As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult ' holds if the form was canceled
                                ' Lets see if there is a previous slice and ask what to do
                                If oSlice.PreviousSlice IsNot Nothing Then
                                    ' show the form
                                    ans = Application.ShowModalDialog( _
                                        New PromptForm("Adjust Previous Slice", _
                                                       "How do you want to handle the previous slice?", _
                                                       True, _
                                                       New PromptAction("Cancel", Nothing, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel, Nothing), _
                                                       New PromptAction("Do Nothing", Nothing, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, Nothing), _
                                                       New PromptAction("Stretch", AddressOf oSlice.StretchPreviousSliceDuringSliceMove, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, offsetDist), _
                                                       New PromptAction("Move", AddressOf oSlice.MovePreviousSliceDuringSliceMove, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, offsetDist)))
                                End If

                                ' See if the user canceled the operation
                                If ans = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub
                                ' Lets see if there is a next slice and ask what they want to do
                                If oSlice.NextSlice IsNot Nothing Then
                                    ' show the form
                                    ans = Application.ShowModalDialog( _
                                        New PromptForm("Adjust Next Slice", _
                                                       "How do you want to handle the next slice?", _
                                                       True, _
                                                       New PromptAction("Cancel", Nothing, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel, Nothing), _
                                                       New PromptAction("Do Nothing", Nothing, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, Nothing), _
                                                       New PromptAction("Stretch", AddressOf oSlice.StretchNextSliceDuringSliceMove, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, offsetDist), _
                                                       New PromptAction("Move", AddressOf oSlice.MoveNextSliceDuringSliceMove, Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK, offsetDist)))
                                End If
                                ' Did the user cancel the operation
                                If ans = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Sub

                            End If

                            ' see if it is the slice front stretch grip
                            If TypeOf g Is SliceFrontStretchGrip Then

                            End If

                            ' see if it is the slice back stretch grip
                            If TypeOf g Is SliceBackStretchGrip Then

                            End If
                    End If
                End If
            End Sub

Message 2 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

I forgot to mension that when I move just the one slice without the previous and next slices the grip move works fine. The slice will stay highlighted in autocad and I can select it again fine. But when I move other entities then the error occurs.

Message 3 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Did you find a solution to your problem, i think i am facing the same ?

Message 4 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Noticed that in GetGripPoints() method you use


If (Not rb Is Nothing) And  ...Then




End If


Using Stop statement, thouth being inherited from legacy Basic language and still legal in VB.NET, is totally not necessary and could do more bad than good. Since you methioned the error broke out at the end of GetGripPoints(), have you debugged into the method and the execution route could actually run through "Stop" statement?


In non-debuggung mode (running the code outside a debugger and the JIT debugging is not enabled, "Stop" is equivalent to "End" statement (another legacy statement in VB, which one should never use), which unconditionally terminate the code execution. If the VB code is an stand-alone app, it may be OK, but since this is Acad DLL, running in the same process as AutoCAD, it may cause fatal result.


See this link on the topic of "Stop" statement in VB.NET:





Even you can prove the error is not  caused by the "Stop", I'd suggest you do not use it. In your code, that If...End If statement never needs a Else clause anyway.


The another issue (but unlikely being he cause of the error) is that you show a prompt window in MoveGripPointsAt() method without disposing it. So there couldbe many hidden forms end up staying memory used by AutoCAD, a kind of memory leak. It may not be a big issue, considering the prompt form may not have big memory foot print, but is not "best practice". You'd better use one single static/Shared instance of the prompt form for the entire couse of Acad session when the Overrule is loaded, or dispose the propt form after each time it shows.


If it turned out the "Stop" statement is not the error source, you may have to simplify your code be gradually stripping out the dependencies to re-produce the error until the code is simple enought and the source of error is identified.


Norman Yuan

Drive CAD With Code


Message 5 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

I'm experiencing a similar problem i haven't be able to solve for one week. Autocad will throw a Unhandled acces violation when trying to stretch a custom grip applied by the grip overrule on polylines. The same thing will happen trying to copy the polyline.

Here is a copy of the Overrule Helper Class and a subset of the whole code wich will reproduce the error in attached file.


Friend Class UtilOverrules


  Private Structure OverruleRec

    Public Instance As Overrule

    Public EntitéCiblée As RXClass

    Public Sub New(ByVal _EntitéCiblée As RXClass, ByVal _Instance As Overrule)

      EntitéCiblée = _EntitéCiblée

      Instance = _Instance

    End Sub

  End Structure


  Private Shared _Overrules() As OverruleRec

  Private Shared _OverrulesEnregistrés As Boolean


  Private Shared Sub PopulOverrules()

    ReDim _Overrules(1)

    _Overrules(0) = New OverruleRec(RXClass.GetClass(GetType(Polyline)), New PolyDrawOverrule)

    _Overrules(1) = New OverruleRec(RXClass.GetClass(GetType(Polyline)), New PolyGripOverrule)

  End Sub


  Friend Shared Property OverrulesEnregistrés() As Boolean


      Return _OverrulesEnregistrés

    End Get

    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)

      If value = True Then

        If Not _OverrulesEnregistrés Then


          For Each ov As OverruleRec In _Overrules

            Overrule.AddOverrule(ov.EntitéCiblée, ov.Instance, False)



          _OverrulesEnregistrés = True

        End If


        If _OverrulesEnregistrés Then

          For Each ov As OverruleRec In _Overrules

            Overrule.RemoveOverrule(ov.EntitéCiblée, ov.Instance)



        End If

      End If

    End Set

  End Property


  Protected Class PolyDrawOverrule

    Inherits Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.DrawableOverrule

    Public Overrides Function WorldDraw(ByVal drawable As Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.Drawable, ByVal wd As Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.WorldDraw) As Boolean

      Dim poly As Polyline = DirectCast(drawable, Polyline)

      Dim rb As ResultBuffer = poly.XData

      Select Case rb.AsArray(1).Value.ToString

        Case TraceEnPlan.NomExtDataTraPlan

          Dim tra As TraceEnPlan = VariablesPartagées.Projet.Axe(CInt(rb.AsArray(2).Value)).TraceEnPlan

          For Each seg As ISegTracePlan In tra.segments

            wd.Geometry.Circle(seg.ptDeb.Point3DAcad, 1.0, Vector3d.ZAxis)


          If tra.ModeEdition Then


          End If

          Return MyBase.WorldDraw(drawable, wd)

        Case Else

          Return MyBase.WorldDraw(drawable, wd)

      End Select

    End Function

  End Class


  Public Class PolyGripOverrule

    Inherits Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GripOverrule


    Dim _GripsSommets() As GripData


    Public Overrides Sub GetGripPoints(ByVal entity As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity, ByVal grips As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GripDataCollection, ByVal curViewUnitSize As Double, ByVal gripSize As Integer, ByVal curViewDir As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Vector3d, ByVal bitFlags As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GetGripPointsFlags)

      Dim rb As ResultBuffer = entity.XData

      Select Case rb.AsArray(1).Value.ToString

        Case TraceEnPlan.NomExtDataTraPlan

          Dim tra As TraceEnPlan = VariablesPartagées.Projet.Axe(CInt(rb.AsArray(2).Value)).TraceEnPlan

          If Not tra.ModeEdition Then

            tra.ModeEdition = True

            Dim i As Integer

            For Each sommet As Vect2D In tra.Editeur.sommets

              ReDim Preserve _GripsSommets(i)

              _GripsSommets(i) = New SommetTraPlanGrip

              _GripsSommets(i).GripPoint = sommet.Point3DAcad


              i = +1



            Dim i As Integer

            For Each sommet As Vect2D In tra.Editeur.sommets


              i = +1


          End If

      End Select

    End Sub


    Public Overrides Sub MoveGripPointsAt(ByVal entity As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Entity, ByVal indices As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.IntegerCollection, ByVal offset As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Vector3d)


    End Sub


  End Class


  Protected Class SommetTraPlanGrip

    Inherits GripData


    Public Overrides Function ViewportDraw(ByVal worldDraw As Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface.ViewportDraw, ByVal entityId As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.ObjectId, ByVal type As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GripData.DrawType, ByVal imageGripPoint As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry.Point3d?, ByVal gripSizeInPixels As Integer) As Boolean

      Dim unit As Point2d = worldDraw.Viewport.GetNumPixelsInUnitSquare(GripPoint)

      worldDraw.Geometry.Circle(GripPoint, gripSizeInPixels / unit.X, worldDraw.Viewport.ViewDirection)

      Return True

    End Function


  End Class

Message 6 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Since the error only occured when I tried to edit any entity other than the entity that has the custom grip attach to it. I created a table and added the entities that needed to be modified. Then when the event OnGripStatusChanged is called with the status of GripsToBeDeleted I would then do the edits on the entities in the table. Since I was not in the event MoveGripPointsAt anymore the error did not occur. That is how I worked around the error.


Thanks for the help.

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