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Cloning Layouts

Message 1 of 7
1621 Views, 6 Replies

Cloning Layouts



I m trying to clone all the layouts in a drawing. I'm using wblock clone with the ids of the layouts and the layoutdictionaryId of the new drawing. It works as far as copying everything that is in the layouts. But it doesn't get the xdata with frozen layers from the viewports. Is there a way to clone this as well?



 Dim IMAP2 As New IdMapping
                        acCurDb.WblockCloneObjects(LayoutObjIdColl, acCurDb2.LayoutDictionaryId, IMAP2, DuplicateRecordCloning.Ignore, False)
                    Catch ex As Exception
                    End Try
Message 2 of 7
in reply to: GeeHaa

Can you check the approach described at http://adndevblog.typepad.com/autocad/2012/07/using-wblockcloneobjects-to-copy-a-layout-from-the-act...

Note there is another required method: CopyFrom

Augusto Goncalves
Twitter @augustomaia
Autodesk Developer Network
Message 3 of 7
in reply to: augusto.goncalves


I tried the program but it still does not copy the xdata with the viewport layer info so I modified it to try to attach it manually. The drawing I am trying has three viewports. The program transfers one set of xdata ok but on the viewport I need(with the layer info) it crashes with einvalidinput on this line

vport.xdata = vp.xdata can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance

Sub copyLayoutToNewDwg(ByVal db As Database, ByVal newdb As Database, ByVal NewLayoutName As String) Dim layout As New Layout Dim layoutNameInCurDwg As String = NewLayoutName Dim lytMgr As LayoutManager Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor() Dim layoutId As ObjectId Using tr As Transaction = newDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() 'Make the working database the new database HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = newDb ' Create a new Layout Dim newLytMgr As LayoutManager = LayoutManager.Current() Dim newLayoutId As ObjectId = newLytMgr.CreateLayout(NewLayoutName) Dim newLayout As Layout = tr.GetObject(newLayoutId, OpenMode.ForWrite) 'Make the original database the working database HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = db Using tr2 As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() ' Get the dictionary of the original database Dim lytDict As DBDictionary = tr2.GetObject(db.LayoutDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead) 'Make sure the layout existes in the original database If Not lytDict.Contains(layoutNameInCurDwg) Then ed.WriteMessage("Layout named ""Layout1"" does not exist in current dwg") Return End If 'Get the layout in the original database lytMgr = LayoutManager.Current() layoutId = lytMgr.GetLayoutId(layoutNameInCurDwg) layout = tr2.GetObject(layoutId, OpenMode.ForRead) newLayout.CopyFrom(layout) 'Get the block table record of the existing layout Dim blkTableRec As BlockTableRecord blkTableRec = tr2.GetObject(layout.BlockTableRecordId, OpenMode.ForRead) 'Get the object ids of the objects in the existing block table record Dim objIdCol As New ObjectIdCollection() Dim vportlist As List(Of vportClass) = New List(Of vportClass) For Each objId As ObjectId In blkTableRec objIdCol.Add(objId) Dim ent As Entity = tr2.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead) Dim vpcItem As vportClass = New vportClass If TypeOf (ent) Is Viewport Then Dim vport As Viewport = ent vpcItem.LayoutName = NewLayoutName vpcItem.oldId = vport.ObjectId vpcItem.xdata = vport.XData vportlist.Add(vpcItem) End If Next ' Clone the objects to the new layout Dim idMap As IdMapping = New IdMapping() newdb.WblockCloneObjects(objIdCol, newLayout.BlockTableRecordId, idMap, DuplicateRecordCloning.Ignore, False) 'was manglename instead of ignore HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = newdb For Each idp As IdPair In idMap For Each vp As vportClass In vportlist If idp.Key = vp.oldId Then Dim vport As Viewport = tr.GetObject(idp.Value, OpenMode.ForWrite) MsgBox("old Viewport=" + vp.xdata.ToString) MsgBox("New Viewport=" + vport.XData.ToString) vport.XData = vp.xdata End If Next Next tr2.Commit() End Using tr.Commit() End Using End Sub
Message 4 of 7
in reply to: GeeHaa

Maybe RegApp using in Xdata is not registered in current Database?

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Alexander Rivilis / Александр Ривилис / Олександр Рівіліс
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Message 5 of 7
in reply to: Alexander.Rivilis

Hi Alexander,


Thanks for the response I think that the application is already registered as ACAD.

Xdata in New Viewport.JPGXdataOld.JPG



Message 6 of 7
in reply to: GeeHaa

I think you have to:

1. Clear all xdata of new Viewport

2. Create all layers from xdata in old Viewport (see group 1003 for layers names) in current Database

3. Set xdata from old Viewport to new Viewport

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Alexander Rivilis / Александр Ривилис / Олександр Рівіліс
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Message 7 of 7
in reply to: Alexander.Rivilis

I figured it out. You have to set the viewport active, add the xdata then set the viewport active again then commit the transaction. BTW the code for setting a viewport active is below.


'This goes before Commandmethod

<DllImport("ACCORE.DLL", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl, _
EntryPoint:="?acedSetCurrentVPort@@YA?AW4ErrorStatus@Acad@@PEBVAcDbViewport@@@Z")> _ Public Shared Function acedSetCurrentVPort(ByVal AcDbVport As IntPtr) As IntPtr End Function 'This is the calling Statement acedSetCurrentVPort(vport.UnmanagedObject)

Thanks again for all your help Alexander.

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