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Importing from Maya LT to Maya???


Importing from Maya LT to Maya???

Not applicable

I am trying to open Maya 2019 LT working file with Maya 2019.  

// Error: line 0: Files created by Maya LT cannot be opened by Maya.

Is there any way to open Maya LT file with regular Maya?




15 Replies
Replies (15)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous 


Thanks for posting! .mlt (Maya LT files) cannot be opened directly in Maya. There are compatible export and import file types between Maya and Maya LT which will allow you to move your assets between the two programs. See the links below to figure out which format would work best for your project:


Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help! If you are all set, hit the Accept Solution button so others can find this answer easier 🙂


Thanks again for being a part of our community!

Jordan Giboney
Technical Solutions Engineer | Media & Entertainment
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @Anonymous 


Hope you are doing well! I wanted to check in and see if the information above answered your question sufficiently. If there is anything else I can help with please let me know 🙂 I would be happy to assist!


Thanks again for being a part of our community!

Jordan Giboney
Technical Solutions Engineer | Media & Entertainment
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA


Not applicable

I know this is an old thread, but it's the first Google result so I figured I'd chime in here: this is quite a messy and frustrating situation from a user perspective.


As an independent game artist I pay for my own license and couldn't justify the cost of full Maya, even though it had several features I would have used (file referencing, scale constraints, attribute spreadsheet, etc).  I used LT for a few years for work, but have now signed up for Maya Indie, which is actually CHEAPER than LT and full-featured to boot.


I'm very pleased with Maya Indie, but it means I can't access any of the files I created in the past couple of years with LT.  Half of the files I've created are in one format, and half in another. I never know when I might need to go back to an LT file I authored a year ago and find myself without a way of accessing it. In order to work with any of those files I'd have to sign up for an additional subscription to LT alongside my subscription to Maya Indie, which feels absurd. 


I'm sure there was a valid business reason for not allowing Maya to read LT files (I assume it was to prevent users from subscribing to the cheaper option and switching at the end of a project to the full version?). Unfortunately, whatever that reason was, it's really put me as a user in a bind.


I agree that it is a stumbling point I ran into too. I have only had LT for a few weeks so I am not in too much of a bind, although I did have  lot of work. I had to uninstall Maya LT to make space for Maya 2020. MAKE SURE if you are switching from LT to Maya Indie to save or export your files to something which Maya can read before you uninstall Maya LT (OBJ, or FBX).


I totally agree with @cavescholar - the same thing just happened to me. I just went from LT to Maya Indie because yes as they said Indie is actually cheaper than LT and I meet the qualifications for Maya Indie. Just chiming in to be another voice saying this is very not user-friendly for freelancers and indies who go from LT to full Maya/Indie.

Uninstalled LT, installed Indie, forgot that Indie/full can't read LT, so now I have to re-install LT and export all my files as FBX. Very frustrating. Same circumstance I have tons of LT files from the last few years - it is not worth my time to go through and export every single one in case I need it, which means once my LT subscription runs out (in a few weeks) I'll have to re-subscribe to LT any time I want to use one of my old LT files.


I have the same problem. The export formats do not give the possibility to transfer complex files with rigs for example. Functions like driven keys are not exported. 


Please Autodesk!

There must be a solution for this!


Not applicable

This is a really absurd situation, I can't believe Autodesk's audacity. Force people trying to learn their software to pay 1600$ and if you want to learn for less money you have to start over from scratch if you decide to switch to the expensive version? This is ridiculous, very disappointed in the already ridiculously expensive and disgusting way autodesk has decided to treat its patrons. 

Not applicable

Guess this is an old thread, but still a giant PITA of an issue.  Due to the polycount limits in LT, your have to spend (potentially) a lot of time exporting out of LT and importing into Maya.  How is there no utility for this? You'd think Autodesk would be happy a user is upgrading from LT to full.  Instead this feels like a bit of a punishment (an overall common theme with LT).


I 100% feel for this customer!



*Note: Clarification, this isn't aimed at any specific customer service rep, this is all about Autodesk.

I look at this and just snicker to myself at a company shooting itself in the foot by putting it's customers through hot coals over misplaced CEO-class greed in a market that marketing has no clue about.

Not being able to open MLT files in Maya Indie is a big no-no, especially considering you're marketing it to about the same group of folks, who are OBVIOUSLY going to come over from LT to indie to get more features.

You're already bleeding customer base at this point before this situation is even discussed.

But, in-stead, you want folks to DO THE SAME THING (just more difficult in process), by exporting to FBX - the same format that can be read by many other (competitors!) software - to open in the same destination program you prevented them (with much less work) from opening it in a few moments ago (but with more to go wrong, too).

So, knowing this attitude towards customers, why SHOULD someone get started in Maya indie and not just throw in the towel and go to Blender 2.8+ (free) or Houdini (free for non-commercial), or Cinema4d (commercial), when they know full well how they were inconvenienced?

To recap:

You're upsetting your customers, and making them lose time (which is money), to drag out the same process your making them do anyway, just with more steps AND less features / more bugs, so you can be sure you're getting your money's worth out of the customer per license by chasing them away with unfriendly practice while making them export their ENTIRE project to a format the competitor's applications can all read/import?


I would think a bit of loss on the license department (not all studios cheat!) would be a better trade-off than annoying a lot of customers into choosing a competitors (potentially free) software.


I know full well about this.  I am in this position too, and the last thing I'm going to do if I must export 1300+ Maya LT format models, is put them right back in another piece of Autodesk software (and risk this AGAIN later on down the road) when there's free software out there to do the same things, especially considering I can't afford the yearly all-at-once cost of Indie being disabled/on a fixed income and all.


If you want to do this without chasing customers away, have a piece of software that we can download that we can log in to, that will migrate everything over, and leave the old stuff as backup.


There's a reason studios won't hire me, it's because I know Maya and not BLENDER.  They mostly require Blender.  I am fixing this situation.  Do I like using Maya better to possibly freelance?  Yes.  Can I afford Maya Indie all-at-once yearly costs?  Nope.  That just sends me right on to choose someone else's software that is more affordable - the thing Indie was supposed to do in the first place.

Other software's UV'ing solutions are also variably somewhat to WAY more convenient than anything in Maya LT, something I spend the majority of my time doing (and not enjoying).  Watched many youtube and similar site tutorials, not always an easy way out here.


I know it's tempting to delete this, but that wouldn't be an honest, customer-friendly thing to do, would it?

Honestly, we used to fire people from our family business that treated customers like this, on the spot.  The customer should get what the customer wants, because if they don't, someone else surely will scoop them up and do just that, or at the very least you won't have that customer and/or you won't have the positive word-of mouth advertising you desire.

The customer will always find a way.  Every other (well, almost) company would gladly coddle a customer with proprietary migration software to make a one-way trip into it's next-level-up software as easy as possible, to make sure they KEEP that customer.

[This post/thread will be screen-shotted.]


Money, thats the reason. But when you are paying so much for a program there is no reason it shouldn't be a feature. 



Hey, since I was on the verge of busting my computer not finding a solution for moving from Maya LT to Maya 2023 I did a bit of digging.


TL;DR => Maya has an hidden import option for MLT files.

Glad I could find this in the documentation  /sarcasm


File > Import > []






you can just open the file in Maya 2023

see below


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No, you definitely can't.  There are no MayaLT options in import options nor when opening a scene.  That option is literally not there on my Maya 2023.


Community Visitor
Community Visitor

Try 2023.3. It can