(Copied from original User Voice forum)
"The addition of SVG import in 2015 Ext 1 was a great start. Great job guys. However, it needs to be revisited and overhauled to be more production appropriate.
1) Please develop TRUE support for Adobe Illustrator files with multiple paths and colors. This is already present in competing 3D platforms. SVG is old school. Especially in today's subscription market where so many shops are using Adobe day to day. Think pipeline. It's surprising you guys missed that the first time round. You're pretty **** good with pipeline stuff.
2) Cascade source file's layers - groups - path hierarchy as such in Maya while retaining the originating names for those elements. AI Layer = Maya Parent Group. AI Group = Maya Child Group. AI Path layer = Maya Mesh. Retain names! The originating vector artist often already did the hard work of organizing things. No need to repeat the process in Maya. Do this and you're ahead of the competing 3D platforms. Bonus.
3) Create ACTUAL materials based on color information in source AI path when a mesh is created in Maya. This already is possible in competing 3D platforms. Bonus if you go the extra step and let the end user select their target render engine and then create basic materials for that engine then you'll again be ahead of the competition. Most professional boutiques ARE using Vray, RenderMan, and others. Why make us work harder to texture our imported meshes? No bueno.
If there's anything else you can think of to streamline the functionality as it would BEST benefit production use then bring it in! We need solutions that work well in production where deadlines are real. It may be slick to be a clever problem solver and come up with workarounds to "almost there" features but when they increase production time then it's of little value ultimately. Best to catch up and surpass the competitors.
Give us well forged tools and we will build awesome things. 🙂"