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Rebuild nParticle Instancers

Rebuild nParticle Instancers

While working on a project I ran into a serious limitation with Maya's nParticles. My goal was to create an emitter where the geometry is cubes (hence why I need to use an instancer) and the cubes would slowly fade into different colors based off of their lifespan. Of course, on normal particles this can be easily done using RGBpp. However I need to use an instancer, and Maya does not allow RGBpp to effect instancer geometry, leaving me in an inconvinient spot where I'm likely not going to be able to achieve the effect I'd like. I think a bit of a rework for instancer geometry to sort of "modernize" it and add new capabilities would be beneficial, as I've seen many other people trying to achieve similar effects as well, but being unable to.


I would welcome an update to Particles and Instancer too, but with Arnold you can do what you asked for.

You can pass the rgbPP information to an Arnold Shader to get the same color on Instanced objects (when rendered in Arnold).

Not applicable

You're right that it is possible with Arnold. In this instance I'm using Redshift as my hardware works best with it and the rest of the project has been done in Redshift. I still appreciate the feedback though.


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