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Make Indie Available to More Regions

Make Indie Available to More Regions

First of all, thank you for considering the release of an indie version for Maya and Max.

When I found out, I wanted to purchase the license right away, but it turns out that is not available in my region (Europe). I understand that it is only a pilot, but I really hope you consider making it available to other regions soon. The non-English speaking world is also desperately waiting for a more affordable license.

Status changed to: Under Review

It is available in my region. However, because it only a pilot, I don’t want to jump in, get excited and then lose it because Autodesk shut down the pilot. When Autodesk makes the indie permanently available, I will definitely be a buyer 😊

Dear Autodesk,


Started to learn 3d with Maya (it was still Alias Wavefront software). Then you came and bought it.

I bought a XSI license long time ago. Then you came and bought it. So I switched to Softimage, kept the subscription for some years but then, I had to drop because the price (it was a way to pricey hobby). Also invested in a Vray for softimage, but ad to migrate to maya hoping for the future, and the future seems to be here but... I can only see it, I'm elegible to buy it because it's not available in my country.

Now reading this business plan, I will be an instant buyer if only will be elegible to buy it. So, let us know is we can hope in something or not (if possible not in years term).



I want Maya Indie to be available in Japan.


Please Autodesk make Indie License world wide and permanent option for individuals. I cant pay those 1500 USD for a year and i read about Indie, then i checked out and i couldnt purchase because is not available in Colombia, If you set this indie option for worldwide you will get a boost on sales cause many many people (like me) going to insta buy it. So please make this available this 2020.


I just realized that Maya/Max/MotionBuilder subscription prices are not competitive:


  • Zbrush: 179.95 USD/semester x 2 = 359,9 USD per year
  • Cinema 4D: 59.99/Month x 12 = 719,88 USD per year (Still very expensive but cheapper than Maya)
  • Modo: 629 USD per year (very expensive but cheapper than Cinema)
  • 3DCoat: 99 USD perpetual License + 99 USD If you want to update to latest version after a year or so.
  • Mudbox: 80 USD Per Year.
  • Blender: Free but you have to buy some plugins to reach the same level of other softwares.
  • Substance Suite: 219 USD per year (And you get 4 apps: painter, designer, alchemist and access to source)
  • Marvelous Designer: 300 USD Per year.
  • Maya/3ds Max/Motion Builder: 1.545+ USD per year (The most expensive licenses)


And Maya LT Price is good but is just not attractive for freelancers because these 3 reasons:


  1. Lack of Pyton support: You cannot install plugins, Quad Remesher, PlugIt, etc for modellers; AnimBot, StudioLibrary, Unreal Animation and Rigging Tools, or other autorigs, etc for animators.
  2. Lack of Xgen: Is more efficient do haircards (even more talking about short hairstyles) with Xgen + Bonus tools instead of do it with a brush or fibermesh (in Zbrush) or deformers within Maya LT.
  3. You cannot export in .MA or .MB: Is OK that native saving file on LT is .MLT, but studios or clients ask you mostly for the .MA file and in very less ammount for a .MB file, for they doesn't work .MLT file that they cannot open in full maya version.

Thats why we request a Indie license for All countries, Im sure if Autodesk do this will sell much subscriptions, cause everyone is waiting for this.



Plenty of untapped markets in developing areas that would never pay the full price and rather pirate!
I fully support this idea and also created a similar post in the LT Ideas section:


And personally I feel offended that I have to pay 2000E for Maya when my income is well below the $100.000 mark while people in the privileged markets of the pilot program pay a fraction of that! But probably Autodesk will take another year of meetings and market projections before deciding. I'm voting with my wallet until then and ditching my Maya Complete subscription in favor of LT. I'll just have to live with the limitations or move to Blender if they're too much to handle.

Not applicable

Is there any road map on this, when which decision will happen at which time?


I just can tell from me, I can't afford Maya to the current European conditions, I use it seldom in some companies as a freelancer and focus privately on other software.

It's sad for me, because I have spent some years of studying it. The current pricing does not make any difference between mega-professional rich "car CGI" companies and poor artists, who struggle to survive.

And I also can't imagine, like someone else already has mentioned, that in Asia or East Europe anybody could afford this rather than here. 

So tell me why is your "indie test" only running in the richest countries?


Support told me in February 2020 that the Indie program is going to remain a pilot in the select few countries for at least another year.

Not applicable

@tj.galdaIf it 's true, that the pilot is again only in those few countries extended, I ask, if that isn't illegal, doesn't it break international trade laws?

This means 2,5 years of priviledging American and British people over foreign people.

It is like applying a tax or customs of 1000% outside your borders.




I'm pretty sure, the global corona crisis will force people now to switch to cheaper software.

Because I know many freelance working people, they are since last week unemployed  and don't know how to pay their rent.

And now, Autodesk, guess what they start learning in their lot free time now and how many choices they have left…

If you don't act, you will see the result next year in clear numbers.


 Given the current economic situation in the world, autodesk should have already released the indie version of maya. And again, because of the economic situation, it would be worth reconsidering the pricing policy.But who am I to give advice to the respected people of autodesk, because I am just their client.


i really like working in maya, but this Delay is making me consider other option. 

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Too bad. I'm not going to wait for it. Started exploring other options already.


Most software packages I use are cheaper now than when nback when I began working as a freelancer. For example Resolve and Fusion. Maya is too expensive for a freelancer, but I would buy it this Indie version becomes available in Europe. Especially with the current lockdowns all over the world, perhaps more people would give maya a try and buy it if it came in reach of their budget.







As the other say, Maya is too expensive for freelancers and there is plenty of us who would like to use it for smaller projects. I hope Maya indie will make it worldwide!


As a teacher I hope Indie will come before school year ends this summer, so I can tell something to leaving students.

I read even of new restrictions, that educational licenses should expire after a year, in case students aren't enrolled at school anymore. This makes sense, when Indie comes, okay, but otherwise young people will go quickly away.

Maya is a software that needs still years after graduation to learn and to build portfolios.

For 3dsMax the "Indie worldwide" was announced two months ago, so I would expect the same for Maya.


And, another thing, because Maya exists longer than other free options (like Blender), it has the disadvantage of that progress is slower than those newer options.

For example, Blender has learned from software that was already on the market, when they startedfrom scratch.

With that in mind and a high costing price, I think more people will choose cheaper options to invest their  when developing for e.g. new tools that will extend functionality of software.

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Please make maya indie for Mexico, I can't afford $250/month

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