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The Booleans workflow and tech in Maya needs updating - do something similar to Mesh Fusion or Hard Mesh (links below).
Some suggestions:
Booleans should be more interactive (allow users to more easily move around Boolean operands after the Boolean is executed)
Boolean intersections should have beveling/chamfering options
Boolean results should require less clean-up
Booleans workflow should have a clean, dedicated UI for easy editing of Boolean operations and operands (like sculpting and interactive grooming tools do)
if you combine all these Tech in the Boolean tool it's gonna be a big step for Maya. hopefully we can see the Boolean get amazing update to make hardsurface easy and better and make people creative with it. Aside with Boolean toolkit focus on FWVN (Face Weighted Vertex Normals) it's become important for games hope maya team figure an easy way to handle FWVN :
Been testing out the Face Weighted Vertex Normals approach in Maya, tested some free scripts and then tested the tools in Maya and came to the realization that if you apply a simple bevel with 1 segment and apply a soften edges on it, you will get almost perpendicular vertex normals to the faces, sometimes if the shading doesn't look right you need to do a set to faces before applying a soften edges.
In the image bellow the cube on the left is set to average and the one on the right has the method i mentioned.
True, but if a complex shape it will be really hard to deal with it. if you see the videos some of it require one click to fix. and this video show something interesting :
so yeah if there something to deal with FWVN in smart way it will be nice features.
The face weight normal issue stems from the fact that for any given edge, even if the ratio between the adiacent faces is large enough to for the normal to point into the larger face's direction, it never actually reaches the same orientation as the large face. Here's a simplified example:
What's needed is an option to "snap" the vertex normal to the large face's normal when the ratio passes a certain threshold.
Came to this forum to suggest the exact same thing. I am glad the idea has already been proposed.
Truly hope we can expect boolean toolkit in the future. I've been wanting to see this in Maya ever since I saw how easy is to create hard-surface models in MODO, using their Boolean tool.
@mlungisim You should do more research before commenting like that, the Boolean algorithm was updated a couple of years ago, I think it's using Pro Boolean now, and it's incredibly stable now compared to the old one. What they should do is incorporate Boolean more into the workflow and maybe into the Modeling toolkit, Mash has a plugin that does this and this is what I am talking about.
Programs like Blender and Fusion don't require plugins to achieve clean topology booleans, I'm talking about the same thing as you are @mickeal_alex as OP. We need the same functionality as Hard Mesh and Crease + plugins. The current Maya boolean tools are bare basic in comparison to other programs.
@mlungisim Well you're right about that, I don't know why single people are able to create impressive plugins but Autodesk with all of it's resources and people are always falling behind.
I have tested the Maya Booleans with an animation, and it changes the component IDs at each new frame! That must not happen.
So e.g. I wanted to add a bevel to an edge (an edge which is not touched or influenced by the boolean) and the bevel jumps between edges, depending which component ID these edges get randomly in the next frame.
The boolean "output" is computed from scratch for every frame and this is causing unneccessary issues.
In my example the boolean even did not change the geometry at all, because I have moved the other subtracting mesh so far away and that it is not intersecting. Please maximize the compatibility between such tools...
Beveling edges is something very basic in CGI, because it's the only possibility to let things look real.
And every Tool should be compatible with beveling, otherwise you run quickly into dead-locks.
In my opinion beveling should be applicable also to rigged (skinned) meshes.
That's why I also recommend to overhaul the Maya Bevel 😉