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Installing Maya on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Message 1 of 14
662 Views, 13 Replies

Installing Maya on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS

Hello folks.

I am trying to install a trial version of Maya 2025 application on my Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 64-bit machine,

Screenshot from 2024-09-11 22-40-43.png

using the Autodesk guidelines below:


Installing Maya 2025 on Ubuntu 


I've successfully installed and registered it:

/opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper list

Screenshot from 2024-09-11 15-34-40.png
Licensing service is also up and running:

sudo systemctl status adsklicensing

Screenshot from 2024-09-11 15-38-27.png

When I run the following command to start the Maya app from terminal:


I get the pop-up window below:

Screenshot from 2024-09-11 15-43-25.png


But when I try to register the installed Maya app using my Autodesk ID I get the following error message in terminal:

Screenshot from 2024-09-11 15-44-25.png Here is content of the log file:
Screenshot from 2024-09-11 15-46-10.png
WebView2 is not found. 


WebView2 is Microsoft library and is not currently supported on Linux. How can I fix it? Is it possible to install Maya (any available version) on Linux Ubuntu machines? Is there any workaround to bypass WebView2 requirement? Any help is appreciated.

Output of the gdb command:


cd /usr/autodesk/maya2025/bin
maya -d gdb

Screenshot from 2024-09-11 22-17-32.png


Message 2 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

You will need to launch into a xorg session of gnome.  From the main log in, you should see a cog wheel or some other option on the display that will allow you to switch the current session.  You will need to pick one that says xorg. If none are available try following this guide.  

Nelson Cruz
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA

Message 3 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

Thanks a lot for prompt reply and further details. Appreciate it.

I disabled Wayland, rebooted laptop and tried to launch Maya again.

Screenshot from 2024-09-13 19-41-58.png

It didn't do the trick though... Continue to look for other options...
Screenshot from 2024-09-13 19-26-41.png

Message 4 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

Possibly changing/resetting the license mechanism.

Run the following command to check if Maya 2025 is listed at all in the output. If Maya 2025 is not listed than you need to register the product first.  If it is listed Maybe to a reset mayhelp.
sudo '/opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper'


sudo /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper register -pk 657Q1 -pv 2025.0.0.F -el EN_US -cf /var/opt/Autodesk/Adlm/Maya2025/MayaConfig.pit

Reset/Change registration

sudo /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper change -pk 657Q1 -pv 2025.0.0.F -lm ""

Nelson Cruz
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA

Message 5 of 14
in reply to: nelsoncruz

I did as you advised.
Screenshot from 2024-09-13 21-51-01.png

The problem still exists. I am attaching recent logs for your review.


Maya 2025 distos:

Screenshot from 2024-09-13 22-25-04.png

Message 6 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

assuming this guide was followed.

Installing Maya 2025 on Ubuntu (

Nelson Cruz
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA

Message 7 of 14
in reply to: nelsoncruz

That's correct. I strictly followed the guide in question. 

I use my Ubuntu machine for only coding java and python so IDEA, PyCharm, Docker Desktop and Telegram are the only third-party apps installed. All other apps come with Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS preinstalled. Here are my gcc compiler and python versions.

Screenshot from 2024-09-13 22-58-15.png

I am also attaching the list of all packages I've installed on my machine.

Message 8 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

Today I tried to deploy the Maya 2025 on droplet on DigitalOcean cloud platform but failed. Please find below steps I took to achieve my goal. Migrating to a different Linux distro (certified by Maya) would be painful (laptop came with preinstalled Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64, so drivers were compatible with hardware) so I want to avoid this step at all costs. Moreover, we are migrating our dev machines to the Debian based Linux distro (extremely similar to Ubuntu) at work, so it would also be better for me to stick to Ubuntu at home. 


1. Created a droplet with Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64 OS on the DigitalOcean cloud platform.


2. Launched the droplet console as root.

3. Updated repos, installed RDP library and opened default RDP port of 3389 in UFW firewall for RDP connections.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp

sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp
sudo ufw enable

 4. Installed Ubuntu GUI, created a new user (hokushin) and added the user to the sudo group. Rebooted the system. 

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

adduser hokushin
usermod -aG sudo hokushin


5. Connected to the droplet via Remmina RDP client (preinstalled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) as newly created user (hokushin):

Screenshot from 2024-09-14 15-37-37.png

6. Run terminal, disabled Wayland and rebooted the system: 

sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

# Uncommented


7. Strictly followed the Installing Maya 2025 on Ubuntu ( guide you gave me. Error is a bit different now - 3005 instead of 3070 but still exists. I wish there was a more detailed log. I am attaching screenshot for your review.

Screenshot from 2024-09-14 15-52-28.png

Output of the command below:

 /opt/Autodesk/AdskLicensing/Current/helper/AdskLicensingInstHelper list

 Screenshot from 2024-09-14 15-56-45.png

Message 9 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

I just went through the process on my end and can could not get the user license portion to work on my end either.  Maya 2024 seems to be registering and launching on the same machine so it looks like some mechanism has changed along the way.  I will ask a few others on my end but as of now I do not have a solution for Maya 2025.

Nelson Cruz
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA

Message 10 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

To get passed the 3005 "SSO client" error. The Identity application also needs to be installed.  You will need to cd into the ./Packages/AdskIdentityManager 
sudo alien -vc ./*.rpm
sudo apt-get install ./*.deb

after this install we are back to seeing the webview2 error.  I'll ask around on my end and try to get some answers.   

Nelson Cruz
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA

Message 11 of 14
in reply to: nelsoncruz

Yes, same on my end. I've also started receiving the (3070) error message after installation the Identity application.Screenshot from 2024-09-16 18-57-05.png

2024-09-16 19:02:47: ERROR: Error Information: Maya 2025 : [IDSDK] 3070: The PC have not installed WebView2

Screenshot from 2024-09-16 19-03-21.png

WebView2 is not running on Linux yet... Looks like identity manager identifies Ubuntu OS as Windows...


I've marked the question as answered, but I wish that you'd included support to other Linux distros to the code in the future. For instance, "As is, no warranties" licence type for such scenarios is acceptable for me. 


I appreciate your help in addressing the problem.

Message 12 of 14
in reply to: nelsoncruz

Well, I’ve installed RHEL-9.4 WS over my Ubuntu 20.04 with dual boot.

Screenshot from 2024-09-24 15-50-16.png

Then i slightly adapted the guide for Ubuntu you gave me (Installing Maya 2025 on Ubuntu ( to suit the RHEL 9.4 WS . As result, I could successfully install and launch Maya 2025 on RHEL 9.4 WS

Screenshot from 2024-09-25 13-31-26.png

Maya 2025 works as it is supposed to. But if you look at the terminal (I launched Maya 2025 from terminal) you'll see what kinda weird thing I have with my laptop's graphics card. 

Screenshot from 2024-09-25 13-30-57.png

It doesn't affect the Maya 2025 functional capabilities but I am still very interested in finding out the real reason behind it. I am using NVIDIA graphics card:

Screenshot from 2024-09-25 13-28-26.png  

I've doubled checked the NVIDIA driver installation guide but I am not sure what is wrong with my installation. What causes Maya return this error message on start up:


OpenCL evaluator failed to find OpenCL device with vendor Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.. 


If the problem is Maya 2025 related, any help is appreciated.

Message 13 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

Fixed the issue.

Screenshot from 2024-09-28 19-13-23.png

it was related to the NVIDIA GeForce MX350 graphics card driver configuration for X11.

Screenshot from 2024-09-28 19-09-26.png

Reinstalling NVIDIA driver did the trick.

Screenshot from 2024-09-28 19-13-05.png

Now it works as it is supposed to.🙂

Screenshot from 2024-09-28 18-42-16.png

Message 14 of 14
in reply to: hokushin118

There is another thread that is exploring the installation of maya 2025 non-approved linux flavors here:

Still no solution but I thought I'd connect the threads as I believe it is the same webview2 issue.

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