Hi, I have problem with installing Pymel on mac. I've read multiple document and reddit, still couldn't get what is wrong and really need help. I feel so stupid right now.
I'm using MacOS Sonoma, Maya version is 2022. I have to use certain Plug-in which requires Pymel.
below is how i tried.
I've been following this documents. i'm not English main speaker so there was some things i can't understand. for those things, i tried in every possible ways i can think of. I know i sounds stupid.
I was following the second option from the document (Install whl file) because It looked easier and first one was hard to understand.
downloaded whl file on desktop folder, download folder, <Library/preference/autodesk/maya2022>, and <Library/preference/autodesk/maya2022/script>,</Applications/Autodesk/maya2022>, since I don't know where to put it.... then tried each one "pip install <path_to_whl_file>" on terminal, but it only shows this message:
zsh: command not found: pip
when I ran "./mayapy -m pip list" on terminal, it returns
zsh: no such file or directory: ./mayapy
it says mayapy is installed in </Applications/Autodesk/maya2022/Maya.app/Contents/bin>, but there is no Maya.app folder in maya2022.
Looked up for things. it seems like pip is essential for installing pymel, and mayapy is essential for installing pip, so thought maybe pip or python is not installed, tried to run a code to find out, but pip and python was installed. (Python 3.9.6, pip 21.2.4)
and tried to install mayapy by below method, don't know what to put in <flags> and <package>, just run with it and failed. (I don't even know if this is right)
there's some issue so i don't think i can re-download maya for now.
i'm so lost. what am i doing wrong? please help me.