Hi, I'm facing a problem that I did nHair to create kite string on my kite reel and used nConstraint to connect my kite, but I want everything to follow my kite reel so that I can place it in different scences. If I parent everything to the kite reel, the double transformations will happen. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you!
Turn "inheritsTransform" off.
You will have to animate from your rest state to your first pose. Because you are using nHair, you are now in dynamic simulation mode. So you have to think about your scene as a simulation and not like an animation.
No. All rigs are usually created at a default state. And any dynamically driven bits are also created at this same default state. But because they are dynamically driven, you have to move your rig to your start pose. What's happening in the start pose is very important. Is it static or is it in motion? The way you move the rig from default to start pose should be done in a way that sets up the correct velocities for the dynamics to behave properly at your start frame.
If the character is pretty static at the start frame, you will need to allow some frames for the velocities to settle into a static state. This is called the run up. If the start frame is a cut to the character already in motion, then you have to animate the character through that motion during the run up. And sync the motion to your start frame. This will set the correct velocities for the rest of your shot.
The dynamic result is exactly what I want now that the kite line will follow the kite, but I have a character in a scence that I want him to hold the kite reel to make the shot like he's flying a kite, so how do I make this work and not breaking my nhair system? Thank you!
It's been awhile since I did this so forgive me if the terminology is off. But the dynamic curve has an option to lock both ends. And it looks like in your example, you've already done that. Now take the end that is at the hand and select the cv. Create a transform constraint. I believe this creates a locator. Parent the constraint to the hand. That should be it.
Oh, there should be a sense of which end of the curve is the root. I believe the hand end should be the root. So that if you animate the hand and the curve is pulled straight, that the hand will continue to pull the kite.
Sorry do you know where can I create a transform constraint to parent the constraint to the hand? I couldn't find it. I should do it no nRigid or dynamicConistraint?
Thanks! I found it but I think I did it wrong. Here is the process that I tried do you know which part I did it wrong?
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