Thank you for reporting this. It would help to have more details. Can you please detail your specific workflow, and if you have a simple sample file, that would help too.
Kelly Hynes
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA
There's nothing special about the file, I tried new joints as well as new files. The result is still the same.
You just need to select export selection/ all , in the file there is a joint (whether there is a key or not). and export.
There will still be a dae file, but inside, there is no joint
Issue was reproduced by Karen on the QA team and logged as follows:
MAYA-134111 FBX: DAE Export of mesh with joints no longer works
We will raise to the team for scheduling at the next team meeting.
Best regards,
Kelly Hynes
Manager, Software QA Engineering
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA
Hello, team!
We are experiencing the same issue. We have an animated skeleton made in Maya 2025, and it doesn't export anything when we select File > Export All -> DAE file. Could you already fix this problem?
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