I have a code that is working in Visual studio. But when i copy it to an iLogic rule it does not work for the 2e connector. it looks like your previous problem. the connector does not get selected. therefore executing the edit command does not work. (i left 2 msgboxes in the code that will help you see it.) Anyway im trying to get it to work for a couple of hours now and i realy need to get to bed. but here is what i have so far. Maby some one else is seeing why the 2e connector is not getting selected.
Public Class ThisRule
'Private Shared docEvents As DocumentEvents
Private busy As Boolean = False
Sub Main()
' Get the collection of control definitions.
Dim oControlDefs As ControlDefinitions = ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions
' check if this document is a part document
If ThisDoc.Document.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject Then
MessageBox.Show("The current document must be a part file", "Incorrect Document Type")
End If
'Enter the BIM Content environment
'Access the Browser and Activate the "Bim Content" Browser Pane
Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim bps = oPartDoc.BrowserPanes
Dim bimContentPane As BrowserPane = Nothing
For Each BP As BrowserPane In bps
' the name is case sensitive original it worked only accidentally (BIM should be with capital letters)
' ' i made the if statement case insensitive ;-)
If BP.Name.Equals("Bim Content", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then
bimContentPane = BP
End If
'Define the Appearance variables
Dim oElecAppearance As Asset = oPartDoc.Assets.Item("Connection_Electrical")
Dim oMechAppearance As Asset = oPartDoc.Assets.Item("Connection_Mechanical")
Dim oPipeAppearance As Asset = oPartDoc.Assets.Item("Connection_Piping")
'Define the BIM Component Information
Dim oPartDocBIM As BIMComponent = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.BIMComponent
'Check through each Face on the body and see if uses the special appearance.
For Each oSrfBody As SurfaceBody In oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.SurfaceBodies
For Each oFace As Face In oSrfBody.Faces
If oFace.Appearance.DisplayName = oElecAppearance.DisplayName Then
Dim Elec_Coll As ObjectCollection
Elec_Coll = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection
'Create Electrical Connector Definition
Dim oElecConn As BIMElectricalConnectorDefinition
oElecConn = oPartDocBIM.Connectors.CreateElectricalConnectorDefinition(Elec_Coll)
oElecConn.SystemType = BIMElectricalSystemTypeEnum.kPowerBalancedElectricalSystemType
'Add the Electrical BIM Connection
Dim con As BIMConnector = oPartDocBIM.Connectors.Add(oElecConn)
con.Name = "Elec_Conn_" & oPartDocBIM.Connectors.Count
'Create a Browser Node and select the new connector via the Browser
Dim oTopBrowserNode As BrowserNode = bimContentPane.TopNode
For Each oNode As BrowserNode In oTopBrowserNode.BrowserNodes
If Right(oNode.FullPath, 22) = "MEP System Connections" Then
oNode.Expanded = True '<-- this is an important change
Dim oSubNode As BrowserNode = oNode.BrowserNodes.Item(5)
oSubNode.Expanded = True '<-- this is an important change
Dim oConnNode As BrowserNode = oSubNode.BrowserNodes.Item(con.Name)
MsgBox("before select")
msgbox("After select")
'Open and edit the new Electrical BIM Connector
Dim oControlDef As ControlDefinition = oControlDefs.Item("AEC_Exchange:Command:Connector:Edit")
' Execute the command.
Dim docEvents As DocumentEvents = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentEvents
AddHandler docEvents.OnChange, AddressOf docEvents_OnChange
busy = True
While (busy = True)
End While
RemoveHandler docEvents.OnChange, AddressOf docEvents_OnChange
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub docEvents_OnChange(ReasonsForChange As CommandTypesEnum, BeforeOrAfter As EventTimingEnum, Context As NameValueMap, ByRef HandlingCode As HandlingCodeEnum)
If (BeforeOrAfter = EventTimingEnum.kAfter And Context(1) = "API Change") Then
busy = False
End If
End Sub
End Class
Jelte de Jong
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