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Message 1 of 18
2484 Views, 17 Replies


Hello my dear Friends,


New Challenge here and i need some tweaking to make it run.


The goal is to refresh all thumbnails then export assembly bom parts only to excel file in specific location and with

a custom column template.


Kudos to @Curtis_Waguespack for most of the code which works amazing.


Problem number one. Some of the parts are beams/profiles that i would like to change to front view before getting a

screenshot but only for those, the rest i would like to have the isometric view. 

I would like to do that with a check on an iproperty that i have on all my models and has the name "Materialtype"
if that iproperty has value equal to "PROFIL" then i would like to face the front view before taking the shot.
I can't seem to find the correct command for the if to check.

I get this error:



Problem number two. I would like to put a check before running the code to check if it is an assembly because if it isn't i get a fatal error

instead to normally abord.

Problem number three. The excel exports at the desired path/name only problem is that i want to make it friendly reading so i would like to have a template then populate the columns of the bom without the name of the columns,

lets say start from A2 of excel file leaving the first line to the template that i will make. How do i do that? How i write inside an excel template then save as document name.

Here is the code now:

'get current color scheme name 
oColorScheme = ThisApplication.ActiveColorScheme.Name

'get current color scheme background type
oBackGroundType = ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType

'Change to Presentation (white background)

'set to use one color background type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = _

' i would like some code here to check if it is assembly, because if it is not i get fatal error instead of close.

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oDoc As Document
Dim oRefFile As FileDescriptor

For Each oDoc In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
	ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oDoc.FullFileName, True)  
	For Each oSketch In oDoc.ComponentDefinition​.Sketches
		oSketch.Visible = False
	'set work plane visibility
	For Each oWorkPlane In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes
	oWorkPlane.Visible = False
	'set work axis visibility
	For Each oWorkAxis In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkAxes
	oWorkAxis.Visible = False
	'set work point visibility
	For Each oWorkPoint In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPoints
	oWorkPoint.Visible = False
	If String.IsNullOrEmpty(oDoc.PropertySets.Item("PROFIL").Item("Materialtype").Value)  'problem in this line
	ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("AppFrontViewCmd").Execute 'set front view

	'set iproperty to use current view on save
	oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

		'Set iproperty To use ISO View On save
		oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

	End If

	'set iproperty to use ISO view on save
	oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _
	'save and close the file

'Change back to original scheme

'Change back to original back ground type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = oBackGroundType

Dim oDoc2 As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oBOM As BOM = oDoc2.ComponentDefinition.BOM


ThisBOM.Export("Parts Only", "C:\Users\KTrifonidisNyfan\Documents\Bom\" & (Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False), 15))& ".xlsx", FileFormatEnum.kMicrosoftExcelFormat)

Thanks a lot in advance.


Labels (4)
Message 2 of 18



I think this will resolve questions 1 and 2, I did this real quick, so if you see any issues post back.


I had a quick look but did not see a way to specify a template and start cell using the BOM export, but maybe I missed something, and someone else can help with that.


I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,


'get current color scheme name 
oColorScheme = ThisApplication.ActiveColorScheme.Name

'get current color scheme background type
oBackGroundType = ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType

'Change to Presentation (white background)

'set to use one color background type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = _

' i would like some code here to check if it is assembly, because if it is not i get fatal error instead of close.
If Not ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
	MsgBox("Must be an assembly", , "iLogic")
	Return 'exit rule
End If

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oDoc As Document
Dim oRefFile As FileDescriptor

For Each oDoc In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
	ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oDoc.FullFileName, True)

	For Each oSketch In oDoc.ComponentDefinition​.Sketches
		oSketch.Visible = False

	'set work plane visibility
	For Each oWorkPlane In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes
		oWorkPlane.Visible = False

	'set work axis visibility
	For Each oWorkAxis In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkAxes
		oWorkAxis.Visible = False

	'set work point visibility
	For Each oWorkPoint In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPoints
		oWorkPoint.Visible = False

	oPropset = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties")
		oProp = oPropset.Item("Materialtype").Value
		oProp = ""
	End Try

	If oProp = "" Then

		ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("AppFrontViewCmd").Execute 'set front view

		'set iproperty to use current view on save
		oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

	ElseIf oProp = "PROFIL" Then

		'Set iproperty To use ISO View On save
		oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

	End If

	'set iproperty to use ISO view on save
	oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

	'save and close the file

'Change back to original scheme

'Change back to original back ground type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = oBackGroundType

Dim oDoc2 As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oBOM As BOM = oDoc2.ComponentDefinition.BOM

oBOM.PartsOnlyViewEnabled = True

'oPath = "C:\Users\KTrifonidisNyfan\Documents\Bom\"
oPath = "C:\Temp\"

ThisBOM.Export("Parts Only", oPath & _
(Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False), 15)) & ".xlsx", FileFormatEnum.kMicrosoftExcelFormat)


Message 3 of 18
in reply to: K.TRYFONIDIS

Hi @K.TRYFONIDIS@Curtis_Waguespack  is correct, that there is no way to specify and use a Template when using either if the built-in methods for exporting a BOMView (Links to the online help pages:  ThisBOM.Export ; BOMView.Export).  The PartsList.Export method allows it, but not on the BOM side.  So when a Template is needed, most folks just abandon using Inventor's built-in export methods, and create their own custom code routine for doing the whole export task the way they want it done.  It is certainly more complex to create your own custom export process, but usually not impossible, if you think it would be worthwhile.  Some others here on the forums have gone down the same route, due to certain limitations of the built-in methods, and having more custom needs that were important enough to them.

Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

Message 4 of 18
in reply to: K.TRYFONIDIS


If your feeling paticularly lazy you can do something like this after your code

'Dim filename As String
'filename = oPath & (Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False), 15)) & ".xlsx"
GoExcel.CellValue(filename, "Sheet1", "A2") = "Part Number"
GoExcel.CellValue(filename, "Sheet1", "A2") = "Description"
Message 5 of 18
in reply to: K.TRYFONIDIS

Firstly, thank you all for taking the time to respond and help me with the issues. @Curtis_Waguespack Problem one and two seems solved! 🙂

About problem number three, i came up with this  post ( @Curtis_Waguespack  again ) which i tried it a bit and it works like a charm only that i have to somehow change this line with my bom from inventor assembly without the columns names, since i have made a template ready to welcome the data. I could just copy paste the cells to the template but this is not so professional.

'Insert data into Excel.
With excelApp
            .ActiveCell.Value = "Hello, " & myName
End With  

With this command i can choose to start from A2 cell, because first line has my desired names from template.

Now i would like to know how can put the data from the bom inside this template starting from A2 cell and not transfering column names.

I will try to find something tommorow in office like:




.ActiveCell.Value =ThisBOM.Export


if copy paste works it should be something arround that works.

I will see how it goes in the morning.

Thank you all again in advance.

Message 6 of 18
in reply to: dalton98

Hey this is not so bad either! I don't care about the way we do it as long as i get the result i want! 😄


Actually i find it very clever.


Thank you

Message 7 of 18



I just did something similar for a customer recently, as far as the copy and paste in excel after exporting from Inventor. It was dealing with drawings, but the copy and paste from excel part of this was about the same, so I had a look at it and came up with this example.


This example exports the BOM, then opens it and the template, and copies from the exported into the template, then closes the exported spreadsheet, and saves a copy of the template as the exported spreadsheet name.


I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you in all of your Inventor pursuits,





'get current color scheme name 
oColorScheme = ThisApplication.ActiveColorScheme.Name

'get current color scheme background type
oBackGroundType = ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType

'Change to Presentation (white background)

'set to use one color background type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = _

' i would like some code here to check if it is assembly, because if it is not i get fatal error instead of close.
If Not ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.DocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then
	MsgBox("Must be an assembly", , "iLogic")
	Return 'exit rule
End If

Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
oAsmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim oDoc As Document
Dim oRefFile As FileDescriptor

For Each oDoc In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
	ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oDoc.FullFileName, True)

	For Each oSketch In oDoc.ComponentDefinition​.Sketches
		oSketch.Visible = False

	'set work plane visibility
	For Each oWorkPlane In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes
		oWorkPlane.Visible = False

	'set work axis visibility
	For Each oWorkAxis In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkAxes
		oWorkAxis.Visible = False

	'set work point visibility
	For Each oWorkPoint In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPoints
		oWorkPoint.Visible = False

	oPropset = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("User Defined Properties")
		oProp = oPropset.Item("Materialtype").Value
		oProp = ""
	End Try

	If oProp = "" Then

		ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("AppFrontViewCmd").Execute 'set front view

		'set iproperty to use current view on save
		oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

	ElseIf oProp = "PROFIL" Then

		'Set iproperty To use ISO View On save
		oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

	End If

	'save and close the file

'Change back to original scheme

'Change back to original back ground type
ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = oBackGroundType

Dim oDoc2 As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
Dim oBOM As BOM = oDoc2.ComponentDefinition.BOM

oBOM.PartsOnlyViewEnabled = True
oRowCount = oBOM.BOMViews.Item("Parts Only").BOMRows.Count

'oPath = "C:\Users\KTrifonidisNyfan\Documents\Bom\"
'oFile = oPath & Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False), 15) & ".xlsx"
oPath = "C:\Temp\"
oFile = oPath & ThisDoc.FileName(False) & ".xlsx"

oTemplate = oPath & "Test_Template.xlsx"

ThisBOM.Export("Parts Only", oFile, FileFormatEnum.kMicrosoftExcelFormat)

' Create the Excel application.
oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'open the exported workbook.
oWBook1 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(oFile)
wSheet1 = oExcel.ActiveSheet

' Open the template workbook.
oWBook2 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(oTemplate)
wSheet2 = oExcel.ActiveSheet

oExcel.DisplayAlerts = False

'' Make Excel visible
'oExcel.Visible = True

'copy the rows from the temp sheet to the active sheet
'thie example is using n+1 to paste into row 2 of the template file
With wSheet1
	For n = 1 To oRowCount+1 
		.Cells(n, "A").EntireRow.Copy(wSheet2.Cells(n + 1, "A"))
End With

'close the exported workbook
oWBook1.Close(SaveChanges :=False)
'save the template as the original (overwriting the original exported)
'close excel





Message 8 of 18

Hello, good morning.


Three issues with the latest code. @Curtis_Waguespack 


Issue 1. I get the name of the columns from assembly bom into the excel file.

Issue 2. Thumbnails don't transfer to the excel.

Issue 3. When pasting data from bom excel to template the bom excel overwrites the cell format.

I guess i have to stick with @dalton98 idea.

Possible help for issues.

Issue 1. Possible delete the row with a command?

Issue 2. I see that thumbnails have names like Picture 1, Picture 2, maybe there is a code to transfer images too? Also i know that thumbnails will always be at column N ( if that helps) since i have standard column template

I found this small code but i don't know if it helps or if i can use it.

Dim pictMove As Excel.Range = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:A1")

            For Each shp In Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet.Shapes

                If (shp.Name = "Picture 1") Then

                End If
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try

Issue 3. Possible to transfer only pure data and leave the format alone? I have to use something like 

.PasteSpecial paste:=xlPasteValues

Message 9 of 18
in reply to: dalton98

hey @dalton98 


I have tried your solution and it works just fine .


I only need to set the width and height of all columns now and bold the first line.


Do you know any other commands to do this?


I am making the template inside the code now. I think it might work.

Message 10 of 18
in reply to: K.TRYFONIDIS

Ok after a lot of searching on the internet and motivation by you guys i found the solution to my problem, i used a wide combination of random codes and i made a code that does exactly what i needed without using any template.

You actually making the template inside ilogic.

The GoExcel command didn't worked out good, had many errors and there aren't many commands to customize to exported excel.

So.. here is the code good and Running. Is there better codes? Probably, but this one works. Hoping to get out of trouble some people. 🙂

Sub main

	'----  check if it is part
	doc = ThisDoc.ModelDocument

	If doc.DocumentType = kPartDocumentObject Then
		MessageBox.Show("bla bla bla")

		Exit Sub


	End If

	'--- making the thumbnails

	'get current color scheme name 
	oColorScheme = ThisApplication.ActiveColorScheme.Name

	'get current color scheme background type
	oBackGroundType = ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType

	'Change to Presentation (white background)

	'set to use one color background type
	ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = _

	Dim oAsmDoc As AssemblyDocument
	oAsmDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	Dim oDoc As Document
	Dim oRefFile As FileDescriptor

	For Each oDoc In oAsmDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
		ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oDoc.FullFileName, True)

		' Verify that the document is a part.
		If oDoc.DocumentType = kPartDocumentObject Then
			Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument = oDoc
			'Manipulate part    
			Dim model As String = oPartDoc.DisplayName

			For Each oSketch In oDoc.ComponentDefinition​.Sketches
				oSketch.Visible = False

			'set work plane visibility
			For Each oWorkPlane In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPlanes
				oWorkPlane.Visible = False

			'set work axis visibility
			For Each oWorkAxis In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkAxes
				oWorkAxis.Visible = False

			'set work point visibility
			For Each oWorkPoint In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.WorkPoints
				oWorkPoint.Visible = False

			If iProperties.Value(model, "Custom", "Materialtype") = "bla bla bla" Then

				ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item("AppFrontViewCmd").Execute 'set front view

				'set iproperty to use current view on save
				oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _


				'Set iproperty To use ISO View On save
				oDoc.SetThumbnailSaveOption _

			End If

		End If

		'save and close the file

	'Change back to original scheme

	'Change back to original back ground type
	ThisApplication.ColorSchemes.BackgroundType = oBackGroundType

	'------- export bom

	Dim oDoc2 As AssemblyDocument = ThisDoc.Document
	Dim oBOM As BOM = oDoc2.ComponentDefinition.BOM

	oBOM.PartsOnlyViewEnabled = True
	oRowCount = oBOM.BOMViews.Item("Parts Only").BOMRows.Count

	oPath = "C:\bla bla bla"
	oFile = oPath & ThisDoc.FileName(False) & ".xlsx"


	ThisBOM.Export("Parts Only", oFile, FileFormatEnum.kMicrosoftExcelFormat)

myXLS_File = oFile

'define Excel Application object
excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'set Excel to run visibly, change to false if you want to run it invisibly
excelApp.Visible = True
'suppress prompts (such as the compatibility checker)
excelApp.DisplayAlerts = False

excelWorkbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(myXLS_File)

excelSheet = excelWorkbook.Worksheets(1).activate

'Insert data into Excel.
With excelApp
		.Range("A1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("B1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("C1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("D1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("E1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("F1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("G1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("H1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("I1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("J1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("K1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("L1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("M1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("N1").Value = "bla bla bla"
		.Range("A1:P1").Font.Bold = True
		.Range("A1:P1").Font.Size = 16
		With .columns("A:P")
		.Range("A1:P1000").WrapText = True
		.Range("A1:P1000").RowHeight = 100
		.Range("A1:P1000").ColumnWidth = 30
		.VerticalAlignment = -4108
		.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
	End With
End With  

'set all of the columns to autofit
'save the file

excelApp = Nothing

End Sub

Message 11 of 18

Is there a way to answer "Yes" when Inventor asks if i wanna overwrite the existing table in the workbook?



Message 12 of 18

There shouldn't be a message like this.

Are you sure you are exporting the excel file from Bom, inside assembly file?

Message 13 of 18

Sorry I'm not, i'm using a similar code where the parts list is exported to a xlsx file, however the command almost the same as the BoM export, what happens is that the template file already has a sheet named as the same sheet name selected to export, then inventor warns you about this. I already used another codes to answer similar questions but i'm not been able to get rid of this one.

Message 14 of 18

Maybe you can use a different name for the sheet.
Unless you post the code, we cant be sure of what is happening.

Message 15 of 18

I can't use a different name because the template has formulas that get values from the "LISTA MATERIAIS" tab, and that is meant to be overriden, i just need to don't have to confirm in every code run.

Thats the code i'm adapting now.


'-------------Start of ilogic ------------------------------------------------
'get the path and name of the drawing file
path_and_name = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) ' without extension

'define oDoc
oDoc = ThisDoc.Document

'specify the drawing sheet
'oSheet = oDoc.Sheets("Sheet:1") ' sheet by name
oSheet = oDoc.Sheets(1) ' first sheet

 ' say there is a Partslist on the sheet.
oPartslist = oSheet.PartsLists(1)
' create a new NameValueMap object
oOptions = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap

'specify an existing template file
'to use For formatting colors, fonts, etc
DESKTOP = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Desktop)
oOptions.Value("Template") = DESKTOP & "\TEMPLATE_ESTRUTURA.xlsx"
'specify the columns to export         
'oOptions.Value("ExportedColumns") = "QTY;PART NUMBER;DESCRIPTION"
'specify the start cell
oOptions.Value("StartingCell") = "A1"
'specify the XLS tab name
'here the file name is used
oOptions.Value("TableName") = "LISTA MATERIAIS" 'ThisDoc.FileName(False) 'without extension

'choose to include the parts list title row
'in this example "Ye Old List of Parts" is written to the StartingCell
oOptions.Value("IncludeTitle") = False          

'choose to autofit the column width in the xls file
oOptions.Value("AutoFitColumnWidth") = True
' export the Partslist to Excel with options
oPartslist.Export(path_and_name & ".xlsx", _
PartsListFileFormatEnum.kMicrosoftExcel, oOptions)  

'-------------End of ilogic ------------------------------------------------
Message 16 of 18

Ok, i think the only line you need is the 

oOptions.Value("ReplaceExisting") = True

just before export.

So it should be like this:

oOptions.Value("AutoFitColumnWidth") = True
oOptions.Value("ReplaceExisting") = True
oPartslist.Export(path_and_name & ".xlsx", PartsListFileFormatEnum.kMicrosoftExcel, oOptions)


Message 17 of 18
in reply to: K.TRYFONIDIS

Unfortunately, I don't think that will work either, because that option is not available when exporting a PartsList least it is not documented in their online documentation for that method. 

You might try using a couple of GoExcel lines, just as a quick test, to see if it helps any.

GoExcel.Open(sFile, sSheet)
GoExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
'your line to export here


Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

Message 18 of 18

Another thought would be to attempt to find and delete the existing sheet within the Excel file, just before exporting the PartsList to that same Excel file.  Or as suggested before, name the new 'table' a slightly different name in the export options, then use some extra code to delete the original sheet, then rename the new sheet the same as the previous one, after the export.  Either way, you would probably need to access Excel's own API & Object Model to do so, instead of being able to simply use those GoExcel lines.  Just a couple more ideas.  There are a few settings within the Excel application itself that you can play around with also. 

Wesley Crihfield


(Not an Autodesk Employee)

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