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Chosing which holes to dimension

Message 1 of 7
471 Views, 6 Replies

Chosing which holes to dimension

Hi folks,

at first i want to excuse my english, i'm not a native speaker but i will try to be as understandable as possible.

The last view weeks i was trying to automate some of my drawings and right now i'm trying to dimension holes. I found some code that dimensions all the cylindric geometry in my drawing. Since I have several holes with the same dimensions I want to only dimension one of a kind and also want to change the texts if possible. My problem is: I haven't found an opportunity to chose "one of a kind" and not dimension the rest.

I think I also figured out how to edit the dimension texts (for example add the "H7") but i dont know how to hide the dimension text (for the M8). Probably there is a better way to dimension it with the thread dimension, but i also didn't figure that out.

As you see in the picture, I haven't done the positioning yet but i know how to do that.

I use Inventor 2020 and here is the code I use so far:

Dim oSheet As Sheet = ActiveSheet.Sheet
For Each oView As DrawingView In oSheet.DrawingViews
	For Each oCurve As DrawingCurve In oView.DrawingCurves
		If oCurve.CurveType = CurveTypeEnum.kCircleCurve
			Dim oIntent As GeometryIntent = oSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oCurve, PointIntentEnum.kCircularLeftPointIntent)
			Dim oPoint As Point2d = oIntent.PointOnSheet.Copy
			Dim oVector As Vector2d = oCurve.CenterPoint.VectorTo(oPoint)
			oVector.AddVector(ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateVector2d(oVector.X, Abs(oVector.X)))
			oSheet.DrawingDimensions.GeneralDimensions.AddDiameter(oPoint, oIntent, False)
		End If


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Message 2 of 7
in reply to: haistshomie

Just a first fast reply. You might want to have a look at my blog post: "Automatically generate hole position dimensions". It ticks off all of the secondary features you are looking for. I will have a look if i also can add will the primary feature 😉

Jelte de Jong
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Message 3 of 7
in reply to: JelteDeJong

Thanks for your reply, unfortunately i can't open the link, because it says that the url wasn't found.


Message 4 of 7
in reply to: haistshomie

Strange, lot of good stuff there. but not httpS. Some browsers don't like that. Anyway,  I have an improved version.

It generates lots of things that you did not ask for. And among other settings, you can turn them off. Have a look at the settings on line 11 to 14 and 31 to 37.

Public Class ThisRule

    Private _doc As DrawingDocument
    Private _sheet As Sheet
    Private _view As DrawingView
    Private _intents As List(Of GeometryIntent) = New List(Of GeometryIntent)()
    Private _threadDrawingCurves As List(Of DrawingCurve) = New List(Of DrawingCurve)()
    Private _centerPointIntents As List(Of GeometryIntent) = New List(Of GeometryIntent)()
    ' Some settings here for you to change. 
	Private _countSameDimensions = True
    Private _stackedDimensions As Boolean = False
    Private _firstOffset As Double = 1.2 'Cm
    Private _offsetDimension As Double = 0.8 'Cm

    Public Sub Main()
        _doc = ThisDoc.Document
        _sheet = _doc.ActiveSheet
        _view = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(
                       "Select a drawing view")
        If (_view Is Nothing) Then
			MsgBox("Nothing was selected.")
		End If

        Dim transaction As Transaction = ThisApplication.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(_doc, "Generate dimensions")

        ' Comment out features that you dont want/need!

    End Sub

    Public Sub CreateHorizontalDimensions()
        Dim orderedIntents = _intents.OrderBy(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.X)
        Dim orderedCenterIntents = _centerPointIntents.OrderBy(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.X)

        Dim pointLeft = orderedIntents.First
        Dim pointRight = Nothing
        Dim lastX = pointLeft.PointOnSheet.X
        Dim offset As Double = _firstOffset
        For Each intent As GeometryIntent In orderedCenterIntents
            pointRight = intent
            If (AreEqual(pointRight.PointOnSheet.X, lastX)) Then
                Continue For
            End If
            CreateHorizontalDimension(pointLeft, pointRight, offset)
            If _stackedDimensions Then
                offset = offset + _offsetDimension
                pointLeft = pointRight
            End If
            lastX = pointRight.PointOnSheet.X
        pointRight = orderedIntents.Last

        CreateHorizontalDimension(pointLeft, pointRight, offset)

    End Sub
    Private Sub CreateHorizontalDimension(pointLeft As GeometryIntent,
                                          pointRight As GeometryIntent,
                                          distanceFromView As Double)
        Dim textX = pointLeft.PointOnSheet.X +
                (pointRight.PointOnSheet.X - pointLeft.PointOnSheet.X) / 2
        Dim textY = _view.Position.Y + _view.Height / 2 + distanceFromView

        Dim pointText = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(textX, textY)
            pointText, pointLeft, pointRight, DimensionTypeEnum.kHorizontalDimensionType)
    End Sub
    Private Sub CreateHorizontalOuterDimension()
        Dim orderedIntents = _intents.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.X)

        Dim pointLeft = orderedIntents.First
        Dim pointRight = orderedIntents.Last

        CreateHorizontalDimension(pointLeft, pointRight, _firstOffset + _offsetDimension)
    End Sub

    Public Sub CreateVerticalDimensions()
        Dim orderedIntents = _intents.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.Y)
        Dim orderedCenterIntents = _centerPointIntents.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.Y)

        Dim pointLeft = orderedIntents.First
        Dim pointRight = Nothing
        Dim lastY = pointLeft.PointOnSheet.Y
        Dim offset As Double = _firstOffset
        For Each intent As GeometryIntent In orderedCenterIntents
            pointRight = intent
            If (AreEqual(pointRight.PointOnSheet.Y, lastY)) Then
                Continue For
            End If
            CreateVerticalDimension(pointLeft, pointRight, offset)
            If _stackedDimensions Then
                offset = offset + _offsetDimension
                pointLeft = pointRight
            End If
            lastY = pointRight.PointOnSheet.Y
        pointRight = orderedIntents.Last

        CreateVerticalDimension(pointLeft, pointRight, offset)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateMarks()
        Dim done As List(Of GeometryIntent) = New List(Of GeometryIntent)()
        Dim orderedCenterIntents = _centerPointIntents.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.Y)
        Dim firstIntent = orderedCenterIntents(0)
        Dim secondIntent = Nothing
        For i = 1 To orderedCenterIntents.Count - 1
            secondIntent = orderedCenterIntents(i)
            If (AreEqual(firstIntent.PointOnSheet.Y, secondIntent.PointOnSheet.Y)) Then
                CreateCenterLine(firstIntent, secondIntent)
            End If
            firstIntent = secondIntent

        orderedCenterIntents = _centerPointIntents.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.X)
        firstIntent = orderedCenterIntents(0)
        secondIntent = Nothing
        For i = 1 To orderedCenterIntents.Count - 1
            secondIntent = orderedCenterIntents(i)
            If (AreEqual(firstIntent.PointOnSheet.X, secondIntent.PointOnSheet.X)) Then
                CreateCenterLine(firstIntent, secondIntent)
            End If
            firstIntent = secondIntent

        For Each intent As GeometryIntent In orderedCenterIntents
            If (done.Contains(intent)) Then
                Continue For
            End If

    End Sub
    Public Sub CreateCenterLine(pointLeft As GeometryIntent, pointRight As GeometryIntent)
        Dim collection = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection()
    End Sub

    Private Sub CreateVerticalDimension(pointLeft As GeometryIntent,
                                        pointRight As GeometryIntent,
                                        distanceFromView As Double)

        Dim textY = pointLeft.PointOnSheet.Y +
                (pointRight.PointOnSheet.Y - pointLeft.PointOnSheet.Y) / 2
        Dim textX = _view.Position.X - _view.Width / 2 - distanceFromView

        Dim pointText = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(textX, textY)
            pointText, pointLeft, pointRight, DimensionTypeEnum.kVerticalDimensionType)
    End Sub
    Private Sub CreateVerticalOuterDimension()
        Dim orderedIntents = _intents.OrderByDescending(Function(s) s.PointOnSheet.Y)

        Dim pointLeft = orderedIntents.Last
        Dim pointRight = orderedIntents.First

        CreateVerticalDimension(pointLeft, pointRight, _firstOffset + _offsetDimension)

    End Sub

    Private Sub AddIntent(Geometry As DrawingCurve, IntentPlace As Object, onLineCheck As Boolean)
        Dim intent As GeometryIntent = _sheet.CreateGeometryIntent(Geometry, IntentPlace)
        If intent.PointOnSheet Is Nothing Then Return

        If onLineCheck Then
            If (IntentIsOnCurve(intent)) Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function IntentIsOnCurve(intent As GeometryIntent) As Boolean
        Dim Geometry As DrawingCurve = intent.Geometry
        Dim sp = intent.PointOnSheet

        Dim pts(1) As Double
        Dim gp() As Double = {}
        Dim md() As Double = {}
        Dim pm() As Double = {}
        Dim st() As SolutionNatureEnum = {}
        pts(0) = sp.X
        pts(1) = sp.Y

            Geometry.Evaluator2D.GetParamAtPoint(pts, gp, md, pm, st)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
        Return True
    End Function

    Private Sub CreateIntentList()

        For Each drawingCurve As DrawingCurve In _view.DrawingCurves

            If (DrawingCurve.EdgeType = DrawingEdgeTypeEnum.kThreadEdge) Then
            End If

            Select Case DrawingCurve.ProjectedCurveType
                Case _

                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kCircularTopPointIntent, True)
                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kCircularBottomPointIntent, True)
                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kCircularLeftPointIntent, True)
                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kCircularRightPointIntent, True)

                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kEndPointIntent, False)
                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kStartPointIntent, False)

                    If (DrawingCurve.ProjectedCurveType = Curve2dTypeEnum.kCircleCurve2d) Then
                        Dim intent = _sheet.CreateGeometryIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kCenterPointIntent)
                    End If
                Case _

                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kEndPointIntent, False)
                    AddIntent(DrawingCurve, PointIntentEnum.kStartPointIntent, False)

                Case _

                    ' Unhandled curves types
                Case Else
            End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddDiameterDimensionToCircles()
        Dim doneCurves As New List(Of DrawingCurve)()
        Dim doneDims As New List(Of DoneDiameter)()
        For Each intent As GeometryIntent In _intents
            Dim geo = intent.Geometry

            If (geo.type <> ObjectTypeEnum.kDrawingCurveObject) Then
                Continue For
            End If
            Dim curve As DrawingCurve = geo
            If (doneCurves.Contains(curve)) Then Continue For
            If (curve.ProjectedCurveType <> Curve2dTypeEnum.kCircleCurve2d) Then
                Continue For
            End If

            Dim rangeBox = curve.Evaluator2D.RangeBox
            Dim radius = (rangeBox.MaxPoint.X - rangeBox.MinPoint.X) / 2

            Dim doneDim = doneDims.FirstOrDefault(Function(d) d.Radius = radius)
            If (doneDim Is Nothing Or Not _countSameDimensions) Then
                Dim x = curve.CenterPoint.X + radius
                Dim y = curve.CenterPoint.Y + radius
                Dim textPoint = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(x, y)
                Dim dimension = _sheet.DrawingDimensions.GeneralDimensions.AddDiameter(textPoint, intent)

                Dim d As New DoneDiameter()
                d.Dimension = dimension
                d.Radius = radius

                doneDim.Count += 1
            End If

        For Each doneDim As DoneDiameter In doneDims
            If (doneDim.Count = 1) Then Continue For

            Dim txt = String.Format("<DimensionValue/> ({0}x)", doneDim.Count)
            doneDim.Dimension.Text.FormattedText = txt
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddThreadNotes()
        Dim notes = _sheet.DrawingNotes.HoleThreadNotes

        For Each curve As DrawingCurve In _threadDrawingCurves

            Dim rangeBox = curve.Evaluator2D.RangeBox
            Dim radius = (rangeBox.MaxPoint.X - rangeBox.MinPoint.X) / 2
            Dim x = curve.CenterPoint.X - radius * 5
            Dim y = curve.CenterPoint.Y - radius * 5
            Dim textPoint = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(x, y)

            notes.Add(textPoint, curve)

    End Sub

    Private Class DoneDiameter
        Public Property Dimension As DiameterGeneralDimension
        Public Property Count As Integer = 1
        Public Property Radius As Double
    End Class

    Private Function AreEqual(d1 As Double, d2 As Double)
        Return (Math.Abs(d1 - d2) < 0.000001)
    End Function

    ' This code was written by Jelte de Jong, and published on
End Class


Jelte de Jong
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Message 5 of 7
in reply to: JelteDeJong

At first I really want to thank you for labour input, I appreciate it a lot!

The code somehow works as it should, but its highly more complex than everything i created my own. I will probably need a lot of time understanding what it does in the different steps, and to modify everything to that certain assembly, since I just started with automation in iLogic. There is just one thing that still confuses me:

Right now I'm running it in an assembly in which I hide some plates and in every sheet I show just a single one. When I run the code in the assemblyrawing, for some holes it recognizes same diameters but in others it doesn't. When I run the code in the partdrawing (same part as shown in the assembly drawing) it works perfectly. Do you maybe now why that is? The holes are made by the same feature, so the diameter can not be different, I just wonder if that is because i hid the geometry.

Thank you in advance!

Message 6 of 7
in reply to: haistshomie

The rule does not check the part for the hole diameters. It will just look at the (circular) lines in the drawing and add a dimension. Therefore it will not count lines that are hidden.

Jelte de Jong
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Message 7 of 7
in reply to: haistshomie

Okay, strange, then there must be an error anywhere else. I think that might be specific anywhere in my assembly.

Thanks again for your help, have a noce weekend!

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