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Iso-surfaces onto ghosted geometry

Iso-surfaces onto ghosted geometry

When providing a report to a customer, where there is a need to show any elements / nodes which exceed the yield stress of a material, it can be difficult to get a decent image. This is more true when the model is large or complex, because there may be a few small hot spots spread over a large area.


Typically, you could specify a minimum of the yield (Data Min/Max) and turn on Iso-Surfaces so that you can see only the failure points, but on a large model, the screen is mostly blank and it can be difficult to understand the locations. Currently the only option is to show the deformed shape, but the hot spots don't always align.


I'd like the option to see the model geometry, greyed out, red-lined (like the deformed option)or transparent, with the hot spots clearly visible around it. Perhaps another tick box below the Iso-surfaces that only becomes live when Iso-surfaces is active?

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