I use inventor 2024 professional. I need to import step files from a network drive and save them in a location on my workspace. However, if I select "workspace " I cant specify which folder inside the workspace.
Everything is grayed out
Of course I could select "user path" instead of "Workspace"
But that I get greeted with this if I want to specify something.
So I need to click on "C:\" than click on "workspace" than on "documents" and than I can create a new folder in the right place.
Those are a couple of clicks I need to spend a lot of time because of amount of scrolling I have to do because each folder has a lot of unrelated subfolders, like this:
It would make my life a lot easier if I did not have specify the folder each time i open a step file.
Current workaround is that I created a Word file called "shortcuts" where I can select the line that says "C:\Workspace\Vault\Designs\Documenten\2024\24-000\" and copy and paste that one indie the text area under "user path"
So, can the text area under "workspace" in the import dialog NOT be greyed out, so i only need to type "\24\24-096\" after "workspace"?