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Delete Drawing View Sketch Hatch

Delete Drawing View Sketch Hatch

Another one that came up in a recent training course, is that there is no option to delete a hatch within a sketch on a drawing view once created.


Sketch Hatch.PNG


The only way to delete the hatch appears to be deleting one of the lines defining the closed boundary, in the example above, it would mean deleting one of the projected lines.


Sketch Hatch Delete.PNG


Ideally, a right click option to delete the hatch would be great.


There is a way to delete a hatch but it's not the most intuitive.


Use the Hatch command again on the same region and from the pattern pulldown select "None"


It really should be a case of right click-delete though.



Hi @Rory_M, thanks for the feedback, this is a useful workaround to deleting the sketch geometry.


But as you say, it should be a simple click, then delete or right click delete.

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