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Custom patterns

Custom patterns

I would like to have custom patterns!


Patterns can stay the way they are, but besides spacing and distance, please, add custom, so users can define custom distances. That would save a lot of time! Now, have to do 2, 3 or 4 different patterns of same thing, just to get spacings right.



Not applicable

Can you have more options when you create patterned features, like skip, vary dimension of length, faeture size, etc.

Not applicable

Skipping can be accomplished by doing the pattern and then suppressing the "instances" underneath the drop down for the patterned part/feature.  This is round about however.




now i found this idea.

It's the same direction as my idea:


Best regards

Status changed to: Gathering Support
This is a duplicate. Please refer to and cast your kudo to the Master Idea as to not split votes. Thanks!
Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:

I would like to have custom patterns!


Patterns can stay the way they are, but besides spacing and distance, please, add custom, so users can define custom distances. That would save a lot of time! Now, have to do 2, 3 or 4 different patterns of same thing, just to get spacings right.



Totally agree! Hope it be there as fast as possible.




Hi! Please add this new feature ASAP...

In the rectangular pattern feature I´d love to have the possibility to choose a irrational pattern (not equal distance). Ask the user about offset distances by sequence, one after the other. When he´s/she´s satiesfied with the pattern, just click apply.
Maybe it´s an good idea to choose from applying dimensions from an origin point, or by adding the next dimension from the previous instance.

Maybe this will be neat also on circular patterns...

Best regards/ Sven

Tags (3)
Not applicable

For a liner irregular pattern, another idea could be to define the linear direction, click the plane of the part you want to pattern and then click the remaining planes of other parts that you want to pattern it to. Ex: I need to pattern the pad to the sides of some of these tubes so I would click the side of the pad then each plane I want that to be a pattern to. This could be applied to each hole along that linear plane too rather than a plane if you were patterning fasteners or something. I still prefer a numerical input though too.

Linear Irregular Pattern.PNG



@Discussion_Admin, the following ideas are duplicates of this one:


The second one has more votes and has a more descriptive title, but this one is the original. Whichever is considered the master, they should be merged. Thanks 🙂


...accepted in 2014 but still weaiting in 2017... Gonna give another link back to this same idea, again??

Status changed to: Archived

Thanks for sharing your Idea. The product team continually reviews this forum aiming to deliver in the most impactful way we can based on voting. We also regularly examine the list to make sure it reflects the most current Ideas. As part of this process we archive old Ideas that haven’t received broad support. This ensures there is room for new Ideas to be reviewed by the community and for the most relevant and meaningful ones to gain votes.


This Idea is archived because it's been on the board for over a year and hasn't received many votes. If you want to raise it again and try to gain more support across the community, you're welcome to do so. Leveraging images, animated gifs or sample mock-ups can help convey concepts and generate more votes from other users. If you have questions or see a connection between this Idea and others that should be accounted for, please let us know.


- INV.IdeaReview

Status changed to: Future Consideration

We are refining procedures around idea status.  Changing this to Future Consideration.


WE still need this to be done. Why has this not happen yet.

Not applicable
Strange, yes.
Why not make Inventor to a time saving design tool?

I also support this. The sketch driven pattern is not a clean work around or substitute for a table driven or custom pattern at assembly level. For example if you need to pattern in an assembly you have to create or have a part that has a sketch driven pattern within it to be able to use the " feature driven " pattern tool at the assembly level.  This is not a great workflow for concept realted style modelling. If you could at least drive the pattern at assembly level that had a sketch points at the assembly level that would be acceptable but that doesnt seem to be possible as you cannot create workpoints or axes that pick up the assembly level sketch and therefore you cant create an assembly level sketch driven pattern. 

Status changed to: Accepted

Accepted idea [INVGEN-76333]. Thanks!

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