I can not count the number of times I have heard an Autodesk employ or Autodesk Reseller use the following phrase.
"Oh you are not following the correct workflow process"
This may be more of a bitch fest but it is still a very valid comment. If there are specific "workflow" steps that should be followed do you think there could be some consistency in your so called workflow.
I guess if I had to ask for one request it would have to be clean up the next release of this software before I through myself out the wiindow.
If I had to go into everything that I have am issue with I would spend weeks writing this post. This is far from a Bata software so why are us Cad users the ones testing and finding problems. Should the billion dollor giant take on that task and stop supplying such a half assed product.
I know if I did this I would not have a job for very long.