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Bring back the Minimize Button ~ Inventor 2020

Bring back the Minimize Button ~ Inventor 2020


I would like to see the minimize button return.  I do like the arrange button but there are times I like to minimize some of the screen so that when I arrange the windows only the active screens tile.










Thanks Ivon,


Thanks for your thoughts. We were not sure minimize would be valuable in this new tab based UI. It was difficult to think of a problem that we could make a good solution for. But, based on your workflow I have some thoughts on a possible solution. This solution would leverage a more direct hide type metaphor as well as maintain that refrence in as a tab and in the file list so users can tell what files are hidden / why they don't tile. 


  • First I think we could have two different behaviors based on if you have a single large tab group or multiple tab groups in a custom layout.
    • If all tabs were in the same tab group I assume each tab could be hidden individually. When you click one it would simply switch to another non-hidden tab. 
      • If all tabs are hidden then we would probably show a blank background similar to what we show in 2019. 
      • Hide button in a single tab group situation.Hide button in a single tab group situation.
    • If you have several tab groups you could have two intensions. 
      • 1. to hide the entire frame containing all tabs or
      • 2. only hide the individual tab.
      • I assume in this case it would be better to hide the entire frame so that is what is shown in the example below.
      • Hide button in a multiple tab group situation.Hide button in a multiple tab group situation. Multi-tab result after clicking the hide button.Multi-tab result after clicking the hide button.

To get a file to tile / un-hide it just needs to be clicked on then the hide will go away. I assume that we could make the auto switch when a file is closed also remove these tabs from the list so they can only be activated manually. 


Any thoughts on this?









It looks like you are running a different version of Inventor. I am running Build 168 64-Bit version.

I do not have the visibility icon that you show in your images.

My menu shows...


Is there a setting I'm missing? The top of the window also shows the visibility icon. My version does not.





Hi Ivon, This is not in the product. I just made some quick mockups to see if something like this would solve your issue. Please let me know if you have any concerns with the design or if it does not meet all of your needs. Thanks Jason
Hello Jason, My mistake. This looks great. I would like to see this as part of Inventor sooner than later. As cad admin where I work I have been asked about this several times... I'm sure there are a good number of people that would like to have this implemented in the next update. Regards, Ivon P.S. This comment window didn't offer any tools for formatting. I cleared my cookies and data to no avail.
Community Visitor

Yes, Please bring back the minimize button!  As a designer who works on multiple assemblies at once and loves to use the drag and drop feature to add new parts from one assembly to the next it is essential to be able to minimize windows and then just open the two I need at the moment to make the drag and drop. It becomes very difficult with 6-10 windows arranged all over the screen!

Not applicable

Das mit dem Drag and Drop finde ich gut, aber jetzt ist die Funktion minimieren wenn man Fensteranordnung macht nicht mehr da. Somit ist die Möglichkeit nur 2 Fenster auf zu haben nicht mehr gegeben, wenn man 3 oder mehr Dateien auf hat. Diese Funktion hätte ich doch gerne wieder

@leblanc2024 wrote:


I would like to see the minimize button return.  I do like the arrange button but there are times I like to minimize some of the screen so that when I arrange the windows only the active screens tile.











Hi James, 

Minimize would not solve your problem. What you should do is (drag the document tab off) that you want to copy from or to and (dock it to the right) this way you will have two seporate spaces not 10. You can switch between these two files as needed. You can then click the expand button to get your single screen back and click it again to bring back the two screens you created earlier. I hope this helps. 


Hello @jason_hetu,

Your idea works but it slows the whole process down.  Now instead of minimizing the files I don't want to tile. I have to drag the file to an external window.  The part that is annoying is it sizes the drag window to the original screen height and width. Then I must resize since I undock the ribbon bar.  Once I have resized the window then I must carefully drag the second, third and fourth file to then new screen because if you are not carefully you'll have multiple windows.  Then once this is completed you can then tile the file you would like to see tiled. I know I'm not the only one that would find this a slow down in productivity.  There must be a better way.






Hi Ivan,

Like in the image below I am just suggesting docking it inside the same window. If you drag your single file to the right edge or left edge of your canvas you will get a second panel. The first with 3 files open and the one you moved out with only that file.


Not applicable

Leider funktionoiert die Funtion "minimieren" nicht mehr wenn man eine Fensteranordnung macht.

Somit kann ich nicht mehr nur zwei Fenster öffnen sondern es sind alle geöffnete Dateie in der Fensteranordnung enthalten. Das ist etwas ungeschickt wenn man nur 2 von 5 Fenster sichtbar haben möchte.

Die alte Fuktion war daher um einiges besser.



I need the minimize button for the following scenario (Works in 2019 and ALL previous releases)



(ALL windows (lets say 10 in total) are tiled 'equally')



(the 7 that I am not currently interested in)


Arrange / Tile

(only visible windows get arranged, the 7 minimized windows are ignored)






Hello @jason_hetu,


I re read your suggestion... it makes more sense to me now.  It works the way I wanted.  




It also looks like you can be creative with more windows...







Thanks for all your comments everyone. I have a few clarifying questions. Based on the new tab based docking there can be more than one file within a frame. In the image below there are 3 files open in the left frame and one on the right.


What do you expect to happen when clicking the minimize button on the RIGHT frame with only a single file?

  1. File is hidden but the frame remains the same size with a blank background.
  2. File is hidden and merged with the other tab to take up the full screen. 

What do you expect to happen when clicking the minimize button on the LEFT frame with 3 files open?

  1. When not all files are hidden hide the current file and show the next un-hidden file. 
  2. Hide all files in this group and show a blank background.

What should happen if all files in a group have been hidden?

  1. keep the group and show all a blank background. 
  2. merge all tabs in this group with another group to take up available space. 

Hello @jason_hetu,


This is what I would like to see...


What do you expect to happen when clicking the minimize button on the RIGHT frame with only a single file?

  1. File is hidden but the frame remains the same size with a blank background.
  2. File is hidden and merged with the other tab to take up the full screen. 

What do you expect to happen when clicking the minimize button on the LEFT frame with 3 files open?

  1. When not all files are hidden hide the current file and show the next un-hidden file. 
  2. Hide all files in this group and show a blank background.

What should happen if all files in a group have been hidden?

  1. keep the group and show all a blank background. 
  2. merge all tabs in this group with another group to take up available space. 

I hope this helps.






please please please bring back the minimize Button. those new button (sorry) is bull****.

i have to import step files and i do this with drag and drop. Minimize the open drawing an drag and drop the step file. 


now i can't do this, but i need this to work fast. don't have time for any other slowly solution.


other question. Why do Autodesk change so much, Generally there are so many perfect commands in the Autodesk Products, then a new version is coming out and the commands are replaced by more complicated commands or didn't work anymore...

Not applicable


SO MANY PLEASE !! i need to have the minimized button EXACTLY like the 2019 version.

ok it is interesting the possibility to have 2 pannel for put one in a second screen. (only for a 2nd sreen !!)
it is more complicat to multiply pannels so if we can it is only, very sometimes!!!, when we want pu a view on an other sreen.

but for the principal screen, we don't need more as before like the 2019 version!
1) have the possibility to minimize views

2) arrange ONLY the window of the not minimized views !!!!!!!

but stop this idea to work with separated panel please please, it is complicate!!
it is good for sometimes put a view in another screen but that's all !!
for my part maybe 1 time a week!
but minimize some views and arrange the others one it is something that i use maybe 50 times a DAY!
so now it is horrible for me !!! i lose a lot time and i have a lot pressure in my work!! i will explose...

please i really need the minimize button back very soon

thank you in advance for your understanding !!


I have NO idea why AutoDesk would remove such a basic Windows function like minimize a window.  I very often have several files open, then need to tile just 2 files to be visible for a quick comparison.  Then I'll need to go back to the other files.  The Home window is a great example of a window I like to keep open, but never want to view when comparing two files.


I really like the 2020 update in general, but the removal of this simple feature is beyond annoying.  Please bring it back.

Not applicable

I would also like the minimize button brought back.

It is nice to be able to resize different windows, which is easier to compare two windows at a time.

Not applicable



How do I drag a step file from a windows explorer box into an empty nonused "desktop" space in inventor while I have other files/assemblies open????


edit: can just drop into a burner assembly, works ok.  Ah, whatever, who cares.

Who cares!  third time's the charm... 

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