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Allow changing visibility of solids while in a Sketch

Allow changing visibility of solids while in a Sketch

If we're editing a sketch that has been used to create any features, we're prevented from toggling the visibility of any solids. Please fix this. There's no reason to block this.


Please remove this block so we can hide solids cluttering the view while editing a sketch, or turn on upstream solids that we want to project geometry from.


A little more detail: This block makes no sense, because editing the sketch causes the state of the part to roll up to the pre-sketch state; so, the state of the model while editing the sketch (even if it's been consumed downstream) is exactly the same as the state of the model when the sketch was first created. There's no reason that changing the visibility of solids should be blocked while editing a consumed sketch if it isn't blocked while creating the sketch.


The strange thing is that you can turn off solids before you edit a sketch (manually)
and then the solids wont be visible during the edit sketch. Only the body where the sketch is on will re-appear if made invisible before edit sketch.

So yeah, i agree its stupid we cannot make bodies invisible when in sketch environment.


Related idea for those interested: Multibody/Skeletal modeling: Toggle display of solids on and off


This would be an even better way to hide solids while working on a sketch, if your intention is to just hone in on the sketch and you want those solids to be turned back on again when you're done.

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