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Multibody/Skeletal modeling: Toggle display of solids on and off

Multibody/Skeletal modeling: Toggle display of solids on and off

When modeling complex parts such as multi-body and skeletal parts, we frequently need to get all solids out of the way during certain operations, so they don't interfere with trying to view or project geometry from sketches, work planes, etc. However, after performing these operations, we want to restore those solids and make them visible again.


Right now, the only way to do this is to turn off the Visibility of solids, either one-by-one, or all at once. This is fine, except then there's not a good way to restore the visibility of the same solids that were visible before. We can turn on the visibility of all solids, but that may result in much more clutter than we want.


The Object Visibility toggle (under the View tab --> Visibility panel) provides a way do exactly what I'm describing, but only for "work geometry" such as Sketches, Work Planes, and Work Points. There's even a toggle for Construction Surfaces (i.e. Surface Bodies). I propose that Solid Bodies should be added to that menu, so we can temporarily hide solid geometry and then restore it back like we can with work geometry.

1 Comment

Here's a related idea that takes this a step further: "Focus Mode" for sketches: hide everything except the active sketch. As opposed to the "solid visibility toggle", this is targeting working on sketches specifically. This would be a quick way to turn off the display of all clutter (including solids, as well as other sketches) so you can easily see and work with just the active sketch. This isn't currently possible, even with the Object Visibility toggles.

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