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comment recuperer le niveau des enfants

Message 1 sur 3
606 Visites, 2 Réponses

comment recuperer le niveau des enfants



je souhaite recuperer le niveau de chaque enfant d'un fichier CAO Inventor.


malheuresement dans le referencedDodcument il y sont toutes mais je ne peux pas savoir le niveau de chacune.


merci d'avance.

Balises (1)
Message 2 sur 3
en réponse à: Anonymous


Je pense qu'il faut utiliser la nomenclature ou la liste de pièces pour obtenir le niveau des enfants.

Et exporter le repère pour connaitre le niveau.

Ci-dessous un exemple de code qui manipule la nomenclature pour débuter tes recherches :


Public Sub BOMQuery()
    ' Set a reference to the assembly document.
    ' This assumes an assembly document is active.
    Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument
    Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

    Dim FirstLevelOnly As Boolean
    If MsgBox("First level only?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        FirstLevelOnly = True
        FirstLevelOnly = False
    End If
    ' Set a reference to the BOM
    Dim oBOM As BOM
    Set oBOM = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.BOM
    ' Set whether first level only or all levels.
    If FirstLevelOnly Then
        oBOM.StructuredViewFirstLevelOnly = True
        oBOM.StructuredViewFirstLevelOnly = False
    End If
    ' Make sure that the structured view is enabled.
    oBOM.StructuredViewEnabled = True
    'Set a reference to the "Structured" BOMView
    Dim oBOMView As BOMView
    Set oBOMView = oBOM.BOMViews.Item("Structured")
    Debug.Print "Item"; Tab(15); "Quantity"; Tab(30); "Part Number"; Tab(70); "Description"
    Debug.Print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

    'Initialize the tab for ItemNumber
    Dim ItemTab As Long
    ItemTab = -3
    Call QueryBOMRowProperties(oBOMView.BOMRows, ItemTab)
End Sub

Private Sub QueryBOMRowProperties(oBOMRows As BOMRowsEnumerator, ItemTab As Long)
    ItemTab = ItemTab + 3
    ' Iterate through the contents of the BOM Rows.
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To oBOMRows.Count
        ' Get the current row.
        Dim oRow As BOMRow
        Set oRow = oBOMRows.Item(i)

        'Set a reference to the primary ComponentDefinition of the row
        Dim oCompDef As ComponentDefinition
        Set oCompDef = oRow.ComponentDefinitions.Item(1)

        Dim oPartNumProperty As Property
        Dim oDescripProperty As Property

        If Typeof oCompDef Is VirtualComponentDefinition Then
            'Get the file property that contains the "Part Number"
            'The file property is obtained from the virtual component definition
            Set oPartNumProperty = oCompDef.PropertySets _
                .Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Part Number")

            'Get the file property that contains the "Description"
            Set oDescripProperty = oCompDef.PropertySets _
                .Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Description")

            Debug.Print Tab(ItemTab); oRow.ItemNumber; Tab(17); oRow.ItemQuantity; Tab(30); _
                oPartNumProperty.Value; Tab(70); oDescripProperty.Value
            'Get the file property that contains the "Part Number"
            'The file property is obtained from the parent
            'document of the associated ComponentDefinition.
            Set oPartNumProperty = oCompDef.Document.PropertySets _
                .Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Part Number")

            'Get the file property that contains the "Description"
            Set oDescripProperty = oCompDef.Document.PropertySets _
                .Item("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Description")

            Debug.Print Tab(ItemTab); oRow.ItemNumber; Tab(17); oRow.ItemQuantity; Tab(30); _
                oPartNumProperty.Value; Tab(70); oDescripProperty.Value
            'Recursively iterate child rows if present.
            If Not oRow.ChildRows Is Nothing Then
                Call QueryBOMRowProperties(oRow.ChildRows, ItemTab)
            End If
        End If
    ItemTab = ItemTab - 3
End Sub

Mechanical Designer / Inventor Professionnal 2025
Inventor Professional EESignature

Message 3 sur 3
en réponse à: Anonymous

Bonjour @Anonymous 

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